Brooklyn School
Brooklyn School included: Walnut Stree, S. Main, Paerl, Roosevelt, River, and Brooklyn, so in these groups should be included: Kathy Sixt, Barbara Bolsei, Tom Briggs, Paul Churchill, David Bort, Lynn Johnson, Rosemary Noble, Jerome Casper, Barbara Brewer, Terry DuRei. Can YOU find them?
Mrs. Morehouse’s Kindergarten class. Front Row: Linda Henning ? ? Bob Warner, Nancy Hayes, Ron Merrill, ? Mary Nall ? Row two: Susan Monaghan ? ? Gordon Kilner ? Allen Chatt, Ann Norton, Sarah Gibbons Row Three: Cynthia Stroh, Gary Luplow, ? Marcy Moynihan Row Four: Barbara Brever, ? Paul Munger, Douglas Chase ? ? Dave Bort.
Miss Castronova’s First Grade (Allen thinks this is Second Grade; anybody?) Front row: Terry DuRei, Barbara Brever, Allen Chatt, Kathy Sixt, ? Linda Henning, Susan Monaghan, Glenn King, ? Luanna McWain, ? Bill Hyatt. Row two: ? Donna Squazi(?), ? Paul Conley, Mary Nall, Bob Warner,Cynthia Stroh, Gary Luplow, Janet German, Miss Castronova.
Mrs. Eichenger's First Garde class. Row one: Paula Reed ? Sarah Gibbons, Paul Munger, Ann Norton ? Marcy Moynihan, Merry Waters ? ? Doug Chase, ? Row two: Gordon Kilner ? ? Esther Wozniak ? ? Nancy Hayes ? ? ? ? Mrs. Eichenger
Mrs' Adam's Second Grade class: (which then moved to Washington Street School in the quonset hut) Row one: Susan Monaghan ? Ann Norton, Paul Conley ? Terry DuRei ? Glenn King ? Merry Waters, Paul Reed. Row two: Nary Nall, Gary Luplow, Pauline Brever, Luanna McWain, Esther Wozniak, Doug Chase, Bill Hyatt, Frank SanFrantello.
Mr. Angelo Fiorino's Fifth Grade class: Front row: Terry DuRei, Shirley Barone, Marry Waters, Marcy Moynihan,Glenn King, Frank SanFrantello, Allen Chatt. Row two: Kathy Sixt, Mr. Fiorino, Mary Nall, Cynthia Stroh, Berndt Wickman, Gary Luplow, Sally Stringham, Vilma Weidner, Pat Wozniak, Ester Wozniak. Row three: Nancy Hayes ? Doug Chase ? Janet German, Luana McWain. Row four: Bob Warner, Paul Conley ? Billy Hyatt ? Cheryl Beglio, Donna Syuezzi(?), Linda Hernning.
... and finally, with help from Allan Chatt (front row!) Sixth Grade class. Front Row: Rosemary Noble, Linda Henning, Gordon Kilner, Terry DuRei, Merry Waters, Allen Chatt, Marcy Moynihan, Shirley Barone. Row 2: Esther Wosniak, Nancy Hayes, Kathy Sixt, Doug Chase, Frank SanFrantello, David Bort, Berndt Wickman, Barry... Janet German, Luanna McWain, Angelo Brancefort (who attended the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the opening of John Kenneday School). Row 3: ? Gary Luplow, Donna S, ?. Row 4: Vilma Widner, Cynthia Stroh, Pat Wozniak, Mary Nall, Cheryl Baglio, Bill Hyatt, Bob Warner, Sally Stringham, ?