Batavia Web Sites

Web Site Links Related to
Batavia, New York, and
Batavia High School

Webcam: Looking east at a section of Ellicott Street in Batavia.
I believe this is shot from the window of Marchese Computer Products, on the south side of Ellicott Street at #220...
which would have this view of what I remember as the GLF complex between Center and Liberty Streets...
with the Pok-A-Dot in the distance to the right...

In most instances for what follows, simply click on the logo to go to the site. Classmates knowing of other sites that should be added here, please drop us a line.
Which is a part of the Batavia City School District web site...



WBTA streaming...

 WGCC (Genesee Community College):


Historical Pictures of Batavia on GenWeb


We have no idea whether the commercial sites are credible or not but as we run across them from time-to-time thought we'd at least collect them here for reference. Caveat Emptor!
Chamber of Commerce...


If you like the idea of each of us paying a $20 annual fee (as opposed to the current, already prepaid-for-5-years for all of us Class Creator site). then this is the site for you...





Your Ad Here
(Inquire about our reasonable rates... Contact Us)


Haven't been to Batavia in a while?

Take a tour (have they been keeping up your old home?) Click the link here and type in your address in Batavia (alternatively, wherever you now reside.)

Use your cursor on the street arrows to move up or down the street and drag on the image to rotate the view. Click on the "+" sign to zoom in. You can even retrace your walk to school! 

Example: 84 Ross Street, Batavia, NY...

 Another example: 500 East Main Street, Batavia, NY (Pontillo's)...

