In Memory

Diane (DeDe) Rampacek (Trester)

Diane (DeDe) Rampacek (Trester)

While confirming that there was no obituary written, DeDe's daughter Holly wrote:
"She died of cancer in 2007, in Torrance CA where she had lived for 35 years. Preceded in death by her husband Jim Trester - they got married in 1982 after his divorce but sadly he died of brain cancer in 1985. She was a loving grandma to Jackson and my daughter Charlotte." 



Celebrating our 50th B-Day - out on Long Island...  on our way to Montauk Point...

L-R: Judy McGarraugh, Kay McKibben, Cindy Scoular, DeDe Rampacek, Judy Metzger...

the rest of us 'got lost' and were probably in a different bar...

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07/22/09 02:29 PM #1    

Barbara Saddler (Georgi)

From Penny Bliss Lanning

I tried to send a message on your profile but don't
think it went through. Anyway, I was really sad to see
DeDe had passed. We had good times with our quartet.
Hope to see you in August. Penny

08/27/09 09:37 PM #2    

Barbara Saddler (Georgi)

Well, here it is the night before our 50th Reunion, and I have not been able to write my "tribute" to DeDe... even tho this website has been up and running for over 8 months and I learned of DeDe's death about the same time, thanks to Ward.

I think when you establish a true friendship early on, it has a special meaning that can't always be explained. Probably because, the people involved don't even realize that it is so special.

DeDe and I became friends in grade school, and were Best friends by the 7th grade... when "secrets" were taken very seriously. And sharing "feelings" - especially about boys was tantamount to sacred. We wondered about the future, and what lay in store for us, which was both scary - and - then, suddenly resolute, because it was shared with a friend who truly believed everything would be - "all right".

DeDe and I lost contact in the real sense - over the years - no phone calls - a few emails - one visit - to my place on Long Island - when our group of 13 shared our common 50th Birthday year. But, somehow, I always still felt that bond - that commitment of - lifelong friendship - even tho we didn't have a lot of current examples to prove it out. Sometimes - it's just "knowing" that person who "knew you when" would always be in your corner "if and when you were together again..." many years later...

I appreciate you, DeDe... I send you love and I wish you peace.

Love, Barbie

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