BOD Meeting 3/11/22

Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2022

Directors Present: Cathy Parks (moderator), Kent Carroll, Carol Gruszka, Lisa Mackaness

Directors Absent: Janet Arnold, Jeff Smith

Directors Resigned: Joe Baldwin, Jill Coots

Opening:  Cathy Parks, moderator and meeting host, opened the meeting at 6:10 p.m. She announced receipt of Joe Baldwin’s resignation as LPENA president and director via email on March 8, 2022. Jill Coots had also resigned in 2021 due to having sold their house and moved to Brandon. Cathy, as LPENA vice president, will act as president until the annual meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Smith submitted the Treasurer’s Report via email to all directors since he was unable to attend the meeting. Current cash balance in the Achieva Credit Union account is $2,560.89.  Revenue sources for 2021 included dues, sale of yard signs, and a member donation. Expenses included payment to Sylvan Mackaness and sons for building a new LPENA website under, to be rolled out when populated with historical information. The association again falls below the requirements for filing federal income taxes for 2021.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

  1. Annual Meeting for 2022: Directors decided the 2022 annual meeting would be held at 6:30 p.m. on May 2, either at Menorah Manor (if available and open for outside visitors) or at Cathy Parks’ home at 6083 4th Avenue North. The email blast announcing the meeting will also encourage residents to submit areas of concern for discussion or possible action.
  2. Proposed LPENA Officers for 2022: A slate of proposed officers and directors for 2022 will be presented at the annual meeting, and additional nominations will be taken from the floor. As proposed:
    • President, Cathy Parks
    • Vice President, Niel Allen
    • Secretary, Carol Gruszka
    • Treasurer, Jeff Smith
    • Directors: Lorraine Armstrong, Kent Carroll, Mandy Hand, Lisa Mackaness, and Stacy Vermette
  3. Speaker at Annual Meeting:  Kent Carroll volunteered to contact the City of St. Petersburg to request a speaker for the annual meeting, to address the recent toxic blue-green algae outbreak at the two neighborhood lakes: Lake Pasadena and Lake Disston. Although the signs have now been removed, neighbors will be able to learn of possible causes and determine whether we can do anything to prevent a recurrence.
  4. Yard Signs for Neighborhood Association Meetings:  Kent also volunteered to price large-size lawn signs with erasable meeting times and dates for posting throughout the neighborhood to announce future LPENA meetings.
  5. Social Gathering Ideas: Several ideas were mentioned as ideas to informally socialize with our neighbors and build a spirit of cohesion:
    • Porch parties.
    • Food trucks for annual meetings.
    • City mini-grant application for common-space cleanups, with LPENA tee shirts awarded to participants.

Additional ideas will be solicited and welcomed.

Closing: The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Gruszka
