BOD Meeting 7/11/23

Directors Present: Niel Allen (moderator), Lorraine Armstrong, Carol Gruszka, Cathy Parks

Directors Absent: Kent Carroll, Alex Ellis, Ide Gagalis, Liz Marcucci, Cheri Riley, Stacy Vermette

Opening:  Niel Allen, moderator and meeting host, opened the Board of Directors (BOD) meeting at 6:05 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report:  Alex Ellis presented the following treasurer’s report via email:

Accts Total: $3,068.67
Fence Fund: $1,500
Net Operating Cash: $1,568.67
Net New Member Deposits: $100 ($50 via check; $50 via Square)
Expenses: $231.44 (Signage)

Old Business:

  • New Signage for Next General Meeting 8/15: Newly designed yard signs (thanks, Liz) to announce general meetings (and hopefully increase membership) have been purchased and will be ready to announce the August 15 meeting by August 1. Niel offered to store the signs between meetings at his home. Carol reminded directors that all signs should be retrieved by whichever director sees them on the day after the meeting and returned to Niel’s home for safekeeping.
  • Signage for Other Events: Directors also discussed methods for announcing other events, such as Harvest Fest, and agreed to use other donated signs (e.g., realty open house, candidate signs following election), facing them with oversized event signs printed (free) by the city and laminated by the association. These must be designed several weeks in advance of such events in order to meet city’s lead time and be laminated and posted. LPENA social media will also increase awareness and attendance.
  • Pasadena Cul-de-Sac Fence Repair: Carol reported that repairs to the Pasadena cul-de-sac fence at the intersection of Pasadena Avenue and 66th Street North have been completed at a cost of $690. She has also obtained names and contact information for volunteer neighbors who will help remove alternate panels of the fence prior to an expected hurricane. Donations of several cinder blocks to hold down the panels would be greatly appreciated.
  • Neighborhood Historical Homes and Trees: Cheri Rileym unable to attend the meeting,  submitted her report via email:
    • Partnered with the St. Pete Museum of History for research on 17 historic (1920s) houses in LPE. Two have already been featured on StPeteWiki. We've arranged for 3 hours of research on 15 additional homes. The research also included development of a flyer with information from for added context and interesting facts.
    • Sent letters and the flyer to the homeowner of each historic home. Two responded, expressing their interest in participating in the committee; of course the remaining 13 home will also be researched.
    • Since Phase 3 will include the gathering of stories and photos dating back to the 1950s (the next construction boom), neighbors will be asked to bring or send photos and written “stories” to the next general meeting to be scanned and returned. To encourage participation, Cheri plans to send personal invitations to those who have resided longest in the neighborhood.
    • Currently educating volunteers on how to use the Treeplotter program to map their trees. Cheri has received training regarding the Tree Survey and Matching Grants for Right of Way Trees through the Urban Forestry Committee, mandatory to qualify for a Right-of-Way Tree Grant. During the last round, despite the high volume of applications, only eight grants were awarded. Cheri stated, “If we decide to apply, I want us to be well-prepared to increase our chances of being chosen.” She admires the median planting next to the large lake and envisions a similar setting near the small lake and an aesthetic addition to the grass median. She is interested in hearing your feedback.
    • Hopes to complete the History Project by year-end, with next year’s focus to be on the right of ways, park trees, and community monuments. Funding is likely to be available for these projects as well.

New Business: None.

Reminder: Please submit your annual membership dues via cash or check ($25/household) to any director (names and addresses on home page) or via Square ($26.05/household). THANK YOU!

Square link:

Closing: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Gruszka, LPENA secretary