Lake Pasadena Estates
Neighborhood Association

BOD Meeting 8/8/2022
Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2022
Directors Present: Cathy Parks (moderator), Niel Allen, Lorraine Armstrong, Kent Carroll, Carol Gruszka, Jeff Smith
Directors Absent: Ide Gagalis, Mandy Hand, Lisa Mackaness, Stacy Vermette
Opening: Cathy Parks, moderator and meeting host, opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Smith, treasurer, reported there were no changes to the Treasurer's Report.
Old Business:
- Next General Meeting: Carol Gruszka reported that Menorah Life has graciously agreed to host the next general meeting at 6:30 p.m. on September 13, 2022. Discussion of an alternative site, such as a nearby restaurant (e.g., O’Bistro, Two Graces) followed, noting that these would be more conducive to neighbors getting to know other neighbors, social chatting, etc. The final consensus was that general meetings should continue to be held in a more formal location and other gatherings could be encouraged at locations such as nearby restaurants. This matter will be referred to the social committee.
- CoNA: Niel Allen reported having submitted the LPENA application to join the Council of Neighborhood Associations, including fee and paperwork (e.g., by-laws, current officers); but no communication has been received from CoNA. Niel also reported that CoNA president Tom Lally volunteered to attend and speak at a future general meeting about how CoNA can benefit LPENA. Basically, CoNA serves as a lobbying organization to present the perspective of neighborhood associations to the City.
- Political Speakers: Cathy presented to the BOD a request from a primary Congressional candidate to speak at the next LPENA general meeting. Discussion of the pros and cons of bringing politics into our meetings followed. Ultimately, the BOD decided to deny such requests to avoid unnecessary neighbor disputes.
- LPENA Facebook: Niel reported that Mandy Hand has been working on our Facebooik page.
- School Supplies: Lisa Mackaness forwarded to Cathy the response from the Bear Creek Elementary School principal of needed donations that neighbors can collect to help the students. These, including Target and Walmart gift cards, will be collected at the next general meeting.
- Yard of the Month: Niel will look into purchase of a ready-made Yard of the Month sign to be awarded monthly to an outstanding and recognized lawn in Lake Pasadena Estates.
- Social: Our first two social events will be held in early September.
- September 2. The first First Friday “Porch” Party will be held at Stacy Vermette’s house on Lake Disston. Save the date, and look for a large blow-up flamingo in Stacy’s yard to mark the location. All neighbors are invited to attend, bring their own drinks and an hors d’oeuvres to share, and socialize with other neighbors.
- September 7. The first Wednesday Wine Walk-Through will begin at Lake Disston at 5:30 p.m. Anyone who wants to participate can grab a container of wine (or other beverage) and join this lake-to-lake walk as it passes by (or near) your house. Bonus: Get exercise while getting to know your neighbors.
- Fall Festival: BOD members discussed the planned site of the Fall Festival, scheduled for November 12, due to limited parking around Bear Creek Park. Since the weather will be cooler and drier in November, participants will be encouraged to walk.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Carol will send an email announcement for the next general LPENA meeting, to be held at 6:30 p.m. on September 13 at Menorah Life. Attendees will be encouraged to bring donations of supplies or gift cards for students at Bear Creek Elementary School.
Closing: The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Gruszka