Lake Pasadena Estates
Neighborhood Association

BOD Meeting 9/18/23
The LPENA Board of Directors (BOD) met at the home of Stacy Vermette on Monday, September 18, 2023. Niel Allen, LPENA President, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Other attendees were Cathy Parks, Vice President; Stacy Vermette, BOD; Lorraine Armstrong, BOD, and Cheri Riley, BOD.
The majority of the agenda concerned the rapidly approaching LPENA Harvest Fest, to be held November 11. Topics of discussion included:
1) Ways to encourage neighborhood participation and volunteerism,
2) Means of raising money to finance the endeavor,
3) Prizes to be given out during the event,
4) Games and other entertainment activities at the event,
5) Food and beverages,
6) Means of “getting the word” out, and
7) Numerous other proposals for ideas related to the Harvest Fest.
After much discussion, Cathy made a motion to approve $865.00 for proposed costs that will be incurred for the Harvest Fest, with the proviso that a $250.00 grant (which has been approved by the City of St. Petersburg to assist in paying for associated costs) is received. The motion was seconded by Cheri and passed unanimously.
The next topic involved obtaining sponsorships for the Harvest Fest. Some in-kind donations have already been received. It was proposed that a tier of sponsorships be considered, e.g.,
- Bronze ($50.00 donation)
- Gold ($100.00 donation)
- Platinum ($250.00 donation)
- In-kind donations will also be recognized.
Cheri made a motion to approve the sponsorship suggestion. Stacy seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
It was proposed and approved that a sign be displayed prominently on-site at the Harvest Fest to provide recognition to all donors. Board members were encouraged to seek sponsorships.
Following brief discussion, the LPENA Board decided to take advantage of the City providing free door-hangers to neighborhood associations to promote upcoming meetings and events. Stacy outlined the dates for all upcoming monthly BOD meetings, Quarterly Neighborhood meetings, and other events. She will be in charge of getting this accomplished.
(Board meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 pm. Quarterly Neighborhood meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of February, May, and August and the 2nd Tuesday of November (due to Thanksgiving). The next Quarterly Neighborhood meeting will be held on November 14, 2023.
Other important dates will be LPENA Christmas/Holiday caroling on December 20, 2023. All are welcome to participate. Carolers will walk around the neighborhood spreading joy.
In addition, LPENA wants to resume monthly gatherings (“Thirsty Thursdays”) on the first Thursday of each month, from October through May. Locations will vary, depending upon who volunteers their front yard. A pink flamingo will be displayed in the front yard of the monthly volunteer.
LPENA also wants to institute a Yard of the Month designation for our neighborhood. Stacy will order an appropriate sign. A very tastefully-decorated house and lawn was suggested for the first month, and the Board approved.
It was noted that several Board members have recently resigned and/or become inactive. Niel will solicit new Board members at the appropriate time.
There were many matters discussed at this meeting, and this scribe apologized if she missed anything. All Board members who were present are asked to suggest any corrections or additions.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine (Cathy) Parks