BOD Meeting 4/1/24

Stacy Vermette, LPENA president, called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm ET.

  • Harvest Fest – Did we get an actual date/quote for this year’s event?. Did we earn a profit from last year’s event? Possible $200 to the positive. Discussion about whether or not we were net neutral, which would be good. Do we know what the metrics are for doing another event this year?  Maybe we only do it every other year. The city reimbursed us for almost  $200. If we can show the city what we’re spending money, we can get more grants. Does this event make sense to do every year, especially if we don’t gain enough dues-paying members to justify the expense? Carol Gruszka will provide profit-loss for October-November 2023. Must figure out if it’s worth the energy, time, and money. Can we get more volunteers to help? Good questions to work on in the future.
  • Volunteers shifts. Chuck Vose discussed sending out a possible survey to our neighborhood email distro list of 144 email addresses. It would be a Google form that could pose 3 questions and be very short. Questions could be:  (1) What’s your address, (2) What’s your name, and (3) What are your interests or what would you like to do for your community? We want to engage younger people. How do we engage more people to help? Chuck will send a draft sample of the survey out to the board members for potential approval.
  • Website page. Chuck is making a small amount of progress on the website. Possibly stuck with that Website. We should be able to update the website. Possibly update the old one with new content, but we need the password. Sylvan Mackaness has access to the old website. We could reach out to him to see if we can get the password. Brief discussion about our getting a master login and admin rights and trying to get all neighbors to the same location (website) to get more volunteers. Can we create a Google Business site? We could direct emails to specific board members. Cher Lowther will check in to Google suites info.
  • What do we have to go through to write a city-sponsored matching grant? Board discussed getting a "bubbler" for the Lake Disston Lake, which can be obtained from the city at no cost to us. Or, we look to get a more aesthetically attractive fountain through a matching grant. How easy is that and what’s the expense? Bubbler oxygenates the lake and it would be good for the lake. Why can’t we have both. We decided to get the bubbler right away and then wait and see on the fountain. We need to have something. Why can’t we get the city to help us with plants around our lakes as well? If we create an estuary, city engineer Mike Perry will help. Cheri Riley will talk to Mike about details.
  • A vote to get the bubbler at 6:45 pm was taken amongst the present board members and it was decided to request the city to install a bubbler in Lake Disston to increase aeration of the water. It’s a package…for both lakes. Can we create an estuary at Lake Disston? Cheri will contact Mike Perry for bubbler and estuary information for Lake Disston.
  • We need a champion (aka "Lake Steward") for the small lake….more on that later.
  • With the survey, if we get 20 volunteers, where do we assign them? It would be good to have many more younger people join us.
  • Thirsty Thursday – signs cost is $17 a piece. Roberta will host this Thirsty Thursday party in her yard at 5942 Burlington, starting at 5:30 to approximately 7:00 pm.
  • Yard of the month signs will cost $17. Cheri has created the signs and will get them printed. We will award the previously selected Yard of the Month (YOTM) as the current YOTM. We need to let them know..
  • Chuck mentioned we need a Volunteer Committee and to possibly have a Street Steward (or Block Steward).
  • It was decided that LPENA will have an April 20 (Saturday) “Plant Swap” event at Lake Pasadena in celebration of Earth Day (Monday April 22). Plan is to set up at the big lake from 9:00 to 10:00 am. We will set up tables and bring coffee, doughnuts, and plants and invite all neighbors to join and also bring plants to give or swap. We will need to let people know via our Facebook page, emails to the distro list, and website.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:24 pm. Submitted by Joe Vermette, secretary.
