BOD Meeting 5/16/22

Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2022

Directors Present: Cathy Parks (moderator), Niel Allen, Lorraine Armstrong, Carol Gruszka, Mandy Hand

Directors Absent: Ken Carroll, Ide Gagalis, Lisa Mackaness, Jeff Smith, Stacy Vermette

Opening:  Cathy Parks, moderator and meeting host, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. She invited all 2022 directors to introduce themselves and provide a bit of personal history to get acquainted with one another.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer being absent, there was no updated Treasurer's Report.

Old Business: Lisa Mackaness had sent a report that work on the (domain name) website is continuing.

New Business:

  1. CONA: Niel Allen introduced attendees to the idea of joining CONA, the St. Petersburg Council of Neighborhood Associations, as a way of sharing ideas with similar local organizations. Following Mandy Hand’s quick look of the organization’s website, it was moved and seconded that LPENA join the organization. Niel is responsible for investigating requirements to join.
  2. Discussion of Project and Social Ideas. Several ideas for LPENA activities were discussed and directors assigned to initiate, or to investigate and report back at next BOD meeting:
    • Book club (Cathy lead).
    • LPENA Facebook page (Mandy lead).
    • City matching-grant proposal for Lake Disston fountain (Lorraine lead).
    • Food-trucks gatherings and porch parties (Stacy lead).
    • City mini-grant application for common-space cleanups (no lead assigned).

Project Ideas and Dues Solicitation: Carol will send an email blast to all neighbors registered on the (domain name) website requesting additional project and social ideas. Included in the email will be notification that LPENA membership requires payment of annual dues, still set at $20 per year per household. Per LPENA by-laws, only active members may vote and hold office, although social activities will be open to all neighbors.

Next BOD Meetings: With all directors agreeing with the need for frequent BOD meetings, the next two meetings were scheduled: Monday, June 6, at 5:15 p.m.; and Monday, June 27, at 5:00 p.m. Both meetings with be held at Cathy’s house. Please mark your calendars.

Closing: The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Gruszka
