Meeting Minutes 1/17/19

Welcome to LEPNA 2019! LPENA President Kent Carroll convened the first 2019 meeting of the Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Association at 7:00 p.m. in Menorah Manor on January 17, 2019. He recapped the organization's decision to form a new neighborhood association in February of 2018, based on the concern of several neighbors living near the intersection of Pasadena Avenue and 66th Street North with the city's removal of a wooden fence that had visually separated the neighborhood from the intersection for the prior 16 years. Removal of the fence opened the neighborhood to the accident debris, noise, and light pollution of six lanes of traffic 24 hours each day. Kent gave special thanks to city employees Susan Ajoc, Amanda Kubisiak, and Ivan Fountain, who spent tireless hours working with our fledgling organization to obtain a matching city grant to replace the old fence with a new stacked-stone vinyl fence that would block debris, noise, and light pollution in the neighborhood and restore it to a safe and quiet environment.

Kent also thanked volunteer association members for their skill and effort in preparing the association's by-laws (Joe Baldwin) and articles of incorporation (Seymour Gordon).

In the first order of business, Secretary Carol Gruszka referred attending members to the minutes from the last full-membership meeting on April 19, 2018, which had been posted on the website shortly after the meeting. Upon a motion by Seymour Gordon, seconded by Susan Gordon, the minutes were unanimously approved.

Jeff Smith, Treasurer, distributed hard copies of the treasurer's report. Jeff noted that despite a balance showing approximately $1,700 in the bank, $1,500 of that balance comes from residents' matching contributions for the city grant for the 66th Street fence, to be used only for landscaping the cul-de-sac area and nearby environ (e.g., "urn circle") and thus unavailable for other association purposes. Jeff also noted upcoming expenses, such as filing the annual state application to renew the association's tax-exempt status by mid-May. Upon a motion by Bob Donaghay, seconded by Dimitri Gruszka, the treasurer's report was unanimously approved and will be posted at the conclusion of these minutes.

Dimitri Gruszka, chair of the LPENA proposal effort for the city's matching grant to replace and upgrade the 66th Street fence, reported on the success of that effort, with erection of that fence being completed on January 16th. Neighbors who committed to donate hours of labor in maintaining the common (public) areas in that area have already been hard at work trimming, weeding, removing old vegetation, selecting new plants, and digging holes since announcement of the grant award in mid-July. Dimitri also circulated his electronic tablet, which showed pictures of the area before, during, and after fence installation. Photos will also soon be posted in the "Things We Love in Lake Pasadena Estates" photo gallery on this website. Efforts are ongoing to landscape and irrigate the common areas.

Another LPENA project in 2018 was the December collection of holiday "munchies" for first responders (fire and rescue) at Station #9, located on the corner of 5th Avenue and 66th Street North. Jill Coots headed this effort on two dates in December, to the enjoyment of all who participated. Several first responders were in attendance at the meeting to express their thanks for this project.

Kent then introduced Agnieszka Brooks and Robert Bartow, city employees who will continue to work with LPENA in 2019 and beyond as we continue efforts to improve the neighborhood. Agnieszka informed the membership of a new mobile app the city has made available for reporting concerns we encounter as we walk or drive through the neighborhood, such as potholes, sewer backups, trees branches or shrubs obstructing traffic. Such concerns can still be reported via computer, but the mobile app will provide immediacy and accuracy in reporting the problem location, if your device's location feature is active. The app may be downloaded to your mobile device from the website. Robert is a neighborhood specialist who works with associations and coordinates with the city's public works, traffic plans, and the administration of grant plans. He also noted that the city has recently doubled the number of "mini-grants" (from one to two) an association can seek for social events in a calendar year, total not to exceed $500.

Carol Gruszka reported that the association had contacted Hamm Signs, a local sign maker, to design and produce 50 Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Watch yard signs and mounting wires. Fifty of these signs are available for purchase at cost ($6/sign) by association members on a first-come first-served basis.

In concluding the business of the meeting, Kent noted that he will not be a candidate for president in 2019, due to his need to be in northern Florida working to restore their tree farm and blueberry farm following the Hurricane Michael devastation in October 2018. The following eight volunteers stepped up to serve as directors in 2019 and will be responsible for electing officers for the year: Janet Arnold, Joe Baldwin, Kent Carroll, Jill Coots, Carol Gruszka, Lisa Mackaness, Cathy Parks, and Jeff Smith. Upon a motion by Seymour Gordon, seconded by Susan Gordon, these volunteers were unanimously elected as the Board of Directors.

Dimitri Gruszka made a motion, seconded by several attendees, to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Carol Gruszka

Treasurer's Report -- January 17, 2019

BEGINNING BALANCE (June 11, 2018) $0.00


Date             Description                                                                                           Amount

06/11/2018   Initial Membership Dues/Donations Collected                                   $480.00

06/27/2018   Addl Membership Dues                                                                       $40.00

06/27/2018   City Matching Grant Donations                                                          $600.00

09/11/2018   Addl Membership Dues                                                                        $20.00

09/11/2018   City Matching Grant Donations                                                           $400.00

09/19/2018   City Matching Grant Donations                                                           $500.00

12/18/2018   Donations Collected                                                                               $5.00

01/11/2019   Addl Membership Dues                                                                        $60.00

TOTAL INCOME  $2105.00


Date             Check No.        Payable To/Description                                              Amount

06/11/2018   N/A                  Achieva CU Business Checking Account Fee           $15.00

07/06/2018   500                   Gay and Gordon Attys for fedex charge                    $61.61

01/03/2019   501                   Hamm Signs for Neighborhood Watch Signs          $300.00


ENDING CASH BALANCE (January 17, 2019) $1728.39

