Things We Love in Lake Pasadena Estates

All neighbors can add their photos to the gallery selections below. Click one of the icons below to enter the gallery area. Then douboe-click on an existing gallery you would like to add YOUR photos to, making a slide show of all the photos. Then add a caption (or your own name) in the caption field to take credit for your camera work. If no gallery is already in that category, or if you want your own gallery, not combined with another one, then click the "Create Your Own Photo Gallery Here" button at the bottom of the page. Follow the directions on screen to create your gallery. PLEASE use a smaller photo format (JPEG or GIF) instead of a larger format (BMP) as we are limited to a total of 200 Megabytes before having to pay for more space. You can upload your own or your neighbors' photos into these shared galleries (with your neighbor's permission, of course). Let's share images of the things we love about Lake Pasadena Estates.

Halloween Decorations
1 Gallery  10/24/21
3 Galleries  3/7/23
Dog Walking
1 Gallery  7/16/20
Children Playing
1 Gallery  2/23/18
Lakes Pasadena & Disston
2 Galleries  4/17/18
Cat Friendly
1 Gallery  2/10/18
Yard of Month Candidates
0 Galleries  
Working Together for Good
1 Gallery  3/15/19
Socializing w/ Neighbors
1 Gallery  12/8/19

