Lake Pasadena Estates
Neighborhood Association

Meeting Minutes 5/2/2022
Opening: Cathy Parks, LPENA vice president, convened the annual meeting of the Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Association (LPENA) at 6:35 p.m. on May 2, 2022, at Menorah Life (previously Manor). Approximately 45 to 50 neighbors were in attendance. Cathy introduced Robert Becht, CEO of Menorah Life, who welcomed attendees and stated that he, the staff, and residents were happy to also be members of our neighborhood.
City Guest Speakers: Ken Carroll, LPENA director, introduced Copley Gerdes, City Council member for District 1, to address neighbor concerns with the blue-green algae blooms that had appeared in the two neighborhood lakes (Lake Pasasdena [aka “big lake”] and Lake Disston [aka “little lake”]) in February. After noting that he was happy to be present, Copley, in turn, introduced Mike Perry, engineering specialist for city lakes.
Mike provided information regarding the current condition of the two lakes, both of which have seen a reduction in algae counts, although they are still higher than recommended levels. An aerator was added to Lake Pasadena to increase oxygenation. Mike explained that algae blooms are nutrient driven, including sources such as storm water runoff and fertilizer use. To reduce the use of fertilizers, the city has already banned its use during the rainy season (June through September) and is currently investigating pervious non-vegetative ground covers (e.g., artificial turf) for potential homeowner use. [Note: Approval has not yet been granted for this use.] Mike stated that the best way to improve conditions of the lakes was “for the community to take ownership of the problem,” perhaps through forming a subgroup of our non-profit neighborhood association to seek grants to add features that would increase lake water oxygenation levels (e.g., fountain) and to educate neighbors in how to reduce nutrient runoff.
During the time for questions, residents asked whether the new apartment complex under construction on Central Avenue was within our neighborhood (negative), what to do about coyote sightings (take photo, if possible, and report to Animal Control), and whether reclaimed water is used to irrigate city property around Lake Pasadena (positive).
Minutes: Minutes from the last general meeting, held at Bear Creek Park on February 20, 2021, were posted on the website at that time. It was moved and seconded that the minutes be approved as posted.
Old Business: Cathy reminded attendees that LPENA, being a neighborhood association, not a homeowners’ association, has no policing authority for compliance with city ordinances (e.g., abandoned houses, trash build-up in alleys, blocked sidewalks, street potholes, unsafe sidewalks, clogged storm drainages, brush impeding sidewalk or street access). However, residents may use the city’s website ( to report city-based-ordinance items of concern. [Note: The site requires a verbal description of the precise location of the problem and also permits posting of photos for quick analysis of problem severity.]).
Financial Report: Jeff Smith, LPENA treasurer, reported that the annual SunBiz state-required documentation and fees for LPENA as a tax-exempt organization in Florida have been filed for 2022. Federal tax reporting is not required at this time since revenue receipts are below the minimum. LPENA finances are currently stable since no recent expenses except for neighborhood meeting signs and for building another website have been incurred. Annual dues remain set at $20 per household. Cathy confirmed that becoming a member of LPENA requires only the payment of annual dues.
New Business: Cathy presented the names of officers and directors nominated at the Board of Directors meeting in March. The nominated members have agreed to serve in 2022. Nominations from the floor were also solicited, and Ide Gagalis volunteered to serve as a director. Election of all nominees was unanimous
6083 4th Ave N |
Parks |
Cathy |
Pres |
443-388-2421 |
331 61st St N |
Allen |
Niel |
VP |
727-687-1885 |
6531 Pasadena Ave N |
Gruszka |
Carol |
Secy |
727-344-8703 |
6301 Dartmouth Ave N |
Smith |
Jeff |
Treas |
727-644-2646 |
330 61st Street N |
Armstrong |
Lorraine |
Director |
727-410-2106 |
1244 Country Club Rd N |
Carroll |
Kent |
Director |
727-345-8971 |
6545 4th Ave N |
Gagalis |
Ide |
Director |
727-465-3488 |
331 61st St N |
Hand |
Mandy |
Director |
727-687-1885 |
6544 Pasadena Ave N |
Mackaness |
Lisa |
Director |
727-768-4768 |
310 61st St N |
Vermette |
Stacy |
Director |
727-455-0565 |
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Following adjournment, dues ($20 annually per household) were collected and neighborhood watch yard signs ($6 each, including wire holder) were sold to those wishing to purchase.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Gruszka, LPENA secretary