Lake Pasadena Estates
Neighborhood Association

LPENA Bylaws
The Organizational Board elected at the LPENA meeting on March 21, 2018, recommends the following associaion bylaws for your consideration. A vote on these bylaws will be taken at our next meeting on April 19. In the meantime, please feel free to offer constructive comments for modification to so the board can consider possible changes before the meeting and can mention your concerns for consideration at the meeting. We are YOUR association, and we welcome your feedback.
Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Association (LPENA) Bylaws
Article I. Purpose
Section 1. Name
The name of this association shall be Lake Pasadena Estates Neighborhood Association (LPENA).
Section 2. Purpose
The purpose of the neighborhood association shall be to promote a better neighborhood and community through group action.
Article II. Membership Qualifications
Section 1. Active and Associate members.
An active member is an adult aged 18 or over, who resides or owns property within the boundaries of Lake Pasadena Estates, and whose dues are currently paid, and who, therefore, has the right to vote on all matters that come before the association and to hold office. An associate member is an adult aged 18 or over, who resides or owns property within the boundaries of Lake Pasadena Estates, and whose dues are not currently paid, and who, therefore, does not have the right to vote on all matters that come before the association or hold office.
Section 2. Residents
From time to time matters, come before the association with the potential to directly affect every resident of the neighborhood. In such cases, the Board of Directors by a majority vote may declare a vote open to all adults residing in the neighborhood, regardless of association membership, and whenever practical shall publicize the open vote. There shall be one voting resident per domicile.
Article III. Leadership
Section 1. Directors
The association shall be governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of not more than ten members. To qualify as a director, a person must be an active member of this association for at least one month prior to election.
Section 2. Officers
As soon as practicable after each Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors shall elect, from amongst its members, four officers of this association:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
Terms shall run through to the end of the next Annual Meeting. These officers may be removed from their offices by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors with notice of a proposed removal vote given at a Board of Directors Meeting and the vote taken at the next Board of Directors Meeting.
Section 3. President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside over all meetings of the association and of the Board of Directors. The President shall be a member ex officio of every committee except the Election Committee. All documents made or accepted or executed by the association shall be signed by the President, or a designated representative. The President shall give an annual report of the state of the association.
Section 4. Vice President
The Vice President shall act in the President’s absence and shall have the same powers, duties and responsibilities as the President when so acting.
Section 5. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings of the association and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the association, as directed by the President; is the custodian of the records except those of the Treasurer; shall keep a membership roster; shall send out proper notice of all meetings; and shall keep safely important documents such as these bylaws, and any amendments to them, and any other such standing rules that may be adopted by the association. If the President and Vice President are absent, the Secretary shall preside over any meeting of the association or the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall collect, receive, and hold all money belonging to the association, and deposit all funds in the name of the association in such banks as the board shall designate; pay all bills; make all disbursements; present a monthly itemized statement to the board; present a report at association meetings; and render an annual account of the year's receipts and expenditures. The association's financial records shall be open at all times for examination or audit as the board shall order. All checks shall be signed by either the President or the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall deliver to an elected
successor all money, vouchers, books, papers, and any other property belonging to the association at the close of the Annual Meeting, or as directed by the board.
Section 7. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall conduct the regular business of the association. Any board member failing to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board may be relieved of office by a majority vote of the Board. Any director who no longer resides or owns property within the boundaries of the association shall resign from the Board of Directors within 30 days. The Board may by majority vote fill vacancies of officers and directors for the remainder of a term of office.
Article 4. Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings
There shall be no less than two meetings of the membership of this association each year. The annual meeting will be held in January, and three additional meetings will be scheduled by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Special Meetings
Special meeting of the membership must be called by the President or the Board upon the written request of one-tenth (1/10) of the membership. Such special meetings shall be held no more than 30 days after the request is made.
Section 3. Meeting Notices
Notice of the date, time, place and purpose of all general and special meetings shall be given to the membership at least ten days before the meeting.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum for any meeting of the membership shall be 20 active members or 10 percent of the active membership, whichever is less.
Section 5. Board of Directors
The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held quarterly unless changed by the board. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President. The President must call a special meeting upon the written request of three members of the Board. Such special meetings shall be held no more than 15 days after the request is made. Board members must be notified at least five days before the special meeting.
Article 6. Dues
Section 1. Amount
The amount of the annual dues for membership shall be set by the Board of Directors and shall be payable annually.
Section 2. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year for this association shall run from January 1 through December 31.
Section 3. Ownership
All funds raised by any association function or any committee or group activity shall become part of the general treasury of the association.
Article 7. Committees
Section 1. Formation
The President may establish such committees as seem necessary and advisable, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Committee Chairs
The chairperson of each committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The term of office of each chairperson shall terminate with the term of the President making the appointment.
Section 3. Reports
Each committee shall be provided with the opportunity at each general membership meeting to present a report of committee activity.
Article 8. Elections
Section 1. Election Committee
An Election Committee consisting of no less than three active members shall be elected at final general membership meeting of the year. The President is not eligible for membership of the Election Committee. It shall be the general duty of the Election Committee to oversee the association's annual election. Specific duties shall include the gathering nominations for director; and the preparation, distribution and counting of paper ballots at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2. Nominations
The names and addresses of the Election Committee shall be furnished via email to the entire general membership within ten days of their election, along with a nomination form for directors. All nominations must be submitted in writing, with the permission of the person nominated. The Election Committee shall receive nominations until a deadline date specified by the Board of Directors not less than thirty days from the date of the final general meeting.
Section 3. Candidates
The names of all candidates nominated by the deadline date shall be published by email to the general membership not less than ten days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Section 4. Voting
At the Annual Meeting, further nominations will be taken from the floor; nominations will then be closed. The election will be determined by a show of hands of active members of the organization, unless a written ballot is warranted due to more candidates standing for election than positions available. The Election Committee members shall prepare and distribute written ballots if warranted, collect them, count the votes, and report the results to the membership.
Section 5. Retention of Ballots
The Election Committee shall retain all ballots for a period of 30 days after an election, during which time any member of the association may ask the Board of Directors for a recount. Upon receiving such a request, the Board of Directors shall conduct a recount and such recount shall be final.
Section 6. Term
All officers and directors shall be elected for the term of one year. The term of office begins at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
Article 9. Parliamentary Authority
All meetings of this Association shall be conducted in accordance with these bylaws, any amendments to the bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation, and Robert's Rules of Order. Votes taken by email will follow Roberts Rules, including appropriate making and seconding of a motion, discussion, amendments if offered, and voting. Vote outcomes will be ratified at the succeeding meeting and recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
Article 10. Amendments
An active member may recommend amendments to these bylaws. Such proposed amendments shall be presented to the Board of Directors at least 14 days before a general membership meeting. The proposed amendment shall be given to the membership at least five days before the meeting when the vote shall be taken. Such proposed amendments shall be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership present and eligible to vote.
Article 11. Lake Pasadena Estates Boundary
Section 1. Description.
Lake Pasadena Estates is bounded on the north by 5th Avenue N., on the south by First Ave N., on the east by 58th Street N., and on the west by 66th Street N.
Section 2. Map
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