Future announcements of meetings or events after our next meeting (March 21, at Menorah Manor) will be by email (only) from this website, followed by word of mouth from one neighbor to another. The more broadly we get out the word, the greater participation we can have. Listed here are house addresses of neighbors whose email addresses we do not yet have. If you know the email address of one of these neighbors, please provide it and the website will send an invitation to that email address inviting the neighbor(s) to join the site.
Please notice under Member Functions on the left-hand side of the screen the Notify Me link that lets you (or them) control whether and how often you receive email messages from the site. We encourage you, at a minimum, to receive announcements as they are distributed to our members.
One other thing: A few houses are missing from the list gathered from the Pinellas County Property Appraiser website because occasionally that website produced an error message stating "No Parcel Linked." Also, we may have accidentally omitted a property or transposed numbers of a house number. Please notify me if you find an address missing so our site can have as complete a list of neighborhood addresses as possible. Even if a current resident does not want to join, the next resident may. Thanks for your participation and enthusiasm.