BOD Meeting 3/4/24

The LPENA Board of Directors met at Panara Bread at 6:00 p.m. on March 4, 2024.

Attendihng: Stacy Vermette (moderator), Lorraine Armstrong, Catherine Parks, Cheri Riley, Chuck Vose

Absent: Kent Carroll, Carol Gruszka, Cher Lowther, Joe Vermette, Dr. Jordon Vanderveen, Roberta Yancey

  1. Harvest Fest—When Carol gets back from her duties, she will review receipts and new member applications so we can get an accurate number on membership gains vs. expenses for the event. Those in attendance felt waiting and making it an alternate year event might make sense.
  2. Discussion on concentrating on the other initiatives like the volunteer opportunities concerning the health of the lakes, Thirsty Thursdays, and Yard of the Month might be a better focus this year. Without a quorum, we could not vote.
  3. Cheri will check with Mike Perry on the status of Lake issues and the fountain at Disston Lake.
  4. Greenways enhancements and monument refreshing as another initiative was discussed. More research needs to be done.
  5. A Council of Neighborhood Association (CONA) meeting will be held March 20 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 PM at the Sunshine Center, 330 5th St N, St Petersburg. Anyone on the board may attend, and we should have someone represent LPENA as often as possible.
  6. The website update and change were addressed. It was decided that the #1 priority is to turn off the competing and incomplete site so as not to confuse people and correct the redirect error on the current site to stop some visitors from seeing a security warning alert. Chuck Vose agreed to look at the issue. Carol and Lisa Mackaness need to produce the information for him to accomplish that.
  7. Dues payment through the Square account needs to either be turned off and replaced with Zelle or Venmo, or we need to figure out how to ensure we can credit people with their memberships as they pay them. Right now, there is no indication of who paid. Chuck agreed to look at the setup on Square to see if it is a simple adjustment or if we need to move to another method of collecting dues.

Next meeting, to be held April 1 at 6:00 PM, will be at Cheri Riley’s house at 6310 Burlington Avenue N