Lake Pasadena Estates
Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes 5/22/19
Joe Baldwin, president, convened the LPENA meeting at 7:00 p.m. and distributed handouts of the agenda and a diagram of city-proposed stop sign changes intended to slow the traffic on 60th, 62nd and 65th Streets North between 1st and 5th Avenues. Because attendance was not large, attendees verbally introduced themselves to their neighbors. Joe commended the improvements made in Lake Pasadena Estates since formation of the association in January 2018: e.g., landscape plantings in common areas (Lake Disston, Lake Pasadena, cul-de-sac, urn circle), successful application for city-match grant for a barrier fence.
The primary purpose for this meeting was to inform neighbors of proposed stop sign changes since these will affect all neighbors, not just those bordering the affected intersections who have already been approached to sign (or decline) petitions regarding the changes. A simple majority of affected neighbors would be sufficient to approve the changes, but the city also seeks association approval for the concept. Joe noted that the petitions would be available for signature following adjournment. Carol Gruszka made a motion for LPENA approval of the changes on 60th and 62nd Streets. Tom Haight seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously by voice vote. Tom Haight made a motion for LPENA approval of the change on 65th Street. It was seconded by Margie Jason and approved unanimously by voice vote.
Jeff Smith presented the treasurer's report, noting expenditures of $300 for the cost of neighborhood watch yard signs and $61.25 for the required Florida annual report to continue as a state non-profit organization. He also noted an out-of-pocket expenditure of $50 to file IRS Form 990, which is due each year on May 15. Kent Carroll moved that the treasury reimburse Jeff for his out-of-pocket cost, Cathy Parks seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Jeff also explained where and how the checking account is maintained (at no monthly cost to LPENA), who signed (2018 directors) upon opening the account, and who can sign checks (currently Jeff and Carol). A debit card is also available for purchase of director-approved items.
Carol briefly described the LPENA social activities in 2018 (a July event, canceled by untimely thunderstorm; two December gatherings to collect holiday munchies for neighborhood first responders) and solicited ideas and volunteers to host gatherings in 2019. The members approved seeking two city mini-grants ($250 each) to hold a Halloween social around Lake Pasadena and a Holiday social in December. The association would not purchase any alcoholic beverages for liability reasons, but neighbors would be permitted to bring their own. Jeff suggested that traffic around Lake Pasadena be restricted on Halloween, due to the number of children trick-or-treating in that area, and agreed to investigate whether this could be done. Margie Jacobs agreed to head the December Holiday party. Details will follow as we get closer to these events. Many thanks to both of these neighbors for volunteering for these events.
Several additional social events have also been proposed; the suggestions will be distributed via website email, requesting volunteers to organize and execute any other socials.
Suggestions were also made to increase LPENA membership: discounts from merchants on 1st Avenue, drawings for donated prizes, etc. It is important for all of us to remember that we live in LPE because we have chosen to live in these homes, and the beauty of the neighborhood and safety of the neighbors is the responsibility of all of us. We should be active in looking out for one another, especially elders who may not be as mobile as they were in the past.
Margie expressed concern about the brutal tree trimming recently done by Duke Energy to clear the power lines. (The descriptive word was "slaughtered.") Carol, as secretary, will write a letter to the city from the association requesting that LPENA be notified in advance when the city approves such work being done in the neighborhood.
Tom Haight distributed a list of the addresses of historic homes (mostly 1920s) in the neighborhood whose history should be researched and captured for enlightenment and enjoyment by all. He agreed to head this project to capture our history.
There was general discussion about how to obtain natural gas in individual homes, following the recent laying of major lines down some of the streets. Individuals must contact Teco to achieve this, and a cost will be associated with running gas lines to individual homes.
Cathy expressed concern about the under-utilization of Bear Creek Park and the need to increase the safety of those using the park -- perhaps some kind of low perimeter barrier to prevent children running (or balls rolling) into the street. The lack of parking spaces for patrons using the park is also a deterrent. With major construction being done in the Central Avenue/60th Street area, Cathy wondered about the city's plans for this "green space." She will investigate this matter with the city and let members know whether and what kind of changes can be made to improve the use of Bear Creek Park.
Cathy Parks made a motion to adjourn at 9:10. Jeff Smith seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Following adjournment, Carol sold neighborhood watch yard signs ($6) and Jeff collected 2019 dues ($20). WHAT A GREAT MEETING BY NEIGHBORS WILLING TO WORK TO MAKE OUR NEIGHBORHOOD EVEN BETTER! THANKS TO ALL!
Respectfully submitted, Carol Gruszka, LPENA Secretary