BOD Meeting 6/3/24

Meeting started at 620p.

We received the neighborhood survey. Chuck said from the mailing list we received 15 responses and that we’d prefer to receive info from the survey and the mailing list. We got some good info from the survey to include 12 of the responses feel volunteering would be fun.

No votes were taken today.                                                                                                                             

Harvest Fest, or a version of that, still to happen in the fall. Possibly closer to the holidays and we may look at another title for the event.

Lemonade stand this past weekend (Late May) had a good showing and we raised some money.

We could get behind a food drive. Sometime in the future, possibly during the event this fall.

We could possibly do a neighborhood pet food drive in the future. Possibly during a national pet wellness month (OCT) or other pet awareness month. That could be a good opportunity to help with this good cause.

Chuck shared the LPE Website details and gave a quick display of the website and the information therein. He went through administration of the site and the details of how it can help with the organization of the neighborhood information, how we can create distro lists for different groups in the neighborhood association, and how we can compartmentalize info for each group in the future.

Discussed the possibility of getting up signage around the neighborhood to drive membership. The possibility of door hangers with a QR code could be used or possibly have the city help fund small and appropriate bill posting stations at each lake to drive awareness. We agreed to discuss further in the future.

Meeting adjourned at 721p.
