BOD Meeting 2/5/24

Directors Present: Cathy Parks (moderator), Lorraine Armstrong, Kent Carroll, Carol Gruszka, Cheri Riley, Stacy Vermette

Directors Absent: None

Opening:  Cathy Parks, moderator, opened the Board of Directors (BOD) meeting at 6:06 p.m. at the home of Stacy Vermette.

Old Business:

  • General Meeting February 20: Cheri Riley reported three guest speakers (Mike Perry, City engineer for storm water; Margaret Zak and Jim Bay, environmentalists and executive committee members of SoUL [Stewards of Our Urban Lakes]) will attend the LPENA general meeting on February 20, to be held in the Menorah Life conference room. The meeting will focus on the dire conditions of our two lakes: Lake Pasadena (aka “Big Lake”) and Lake Disston (aka “Little Lake”). These lakes have been stressed for two years from blue-green algae growth and drought conditions (although recent winter rainfalls have alleviated some drought effects). Please come prepared to learn how you can become involved in restoring our lovely lakes to a healthy condition through volunteering to be a Lake Steward, organizing and overseeing the overall restoration of each lake, or a lake volunteer, participating in monthly cleanups, removal of invasive plants, and planting of environmentally healthy aquatic plants.
  • Little Lake Lighting. Stacy initiated discussion about the next steps needed to pursue obtaining a fountain for Lake Disston. Mike Perry had previously reported that Lake Disston has no power supply sufficient to operate such a fountain; Duke Energy would have to install this power adjacent to the lake. In the interim, LPENA should canvas all homeowners around the lake to determine their support for a fountain and whether it should be unlighted or have limited evening lighted hours. Cheri also reported that Duke Energy offers “beautification grants” that might be more easily won and would not require neighborhood “matching” efforts such as the City’s matching grant awards. Cheri will research further details for seeking a Duke beautification grant as well as contact Mike Perry about the status of Duke supplying power adjacent to the lake.
  • Spring Yard Sales: An "LPENA-socialized” yard sale will be held on March 2. These yard sales would actually be multiple individual yard sales in our neighborhood occurring on the same day and during the same hours. Participating neighbors would keep all proceeds. LPENA’s role would be to make known via social media (Facebook, Instagram) that interested parties could visit several yard sales within just a few blocks, a convenience for yard sale enthusiasts. If you are interested in participating and would like for your address to be advertised, please contact any LPENA Director (contact info on website Home page and they will see that your address is included on our social media.

Cathy also reported that Kerri Kriseman plans to sponsor a charity yard sale to support Southeastern Guide Dogs on March 23. All proceeds would go to this non-profit organization. Additional details will be provided for neighbors wishing to donate items to support this event, and LPENA email and social media will advertise this event for charity.

  • Neighborhood Newsletter: Cheri reported that the lead time for sending a first Lake Pasadena Newsletter by bulk mail (to help generate neighborhood interest [or anxieties]) had been insufficient before the February general meeting; however, she will continue to look into its feasibility and cost as well as the cost of a one-time informative postcard at regular mail rates.
  • 2024 Officer & Director Nominations: Election of 2024 LPENA officers and directors will take place at the February 20 general meeting at Menorah Life at 6:30 p.m. The Board will present a proposed slate, and additional nominations will be accepted from the floor. If you would be willing to serve as an officer or director, please let any officer or director know ASAP. (See contact information on website Home page.) Tentative Board nominations are as follows:
    • President: Stacy Vermette
    • Vice President: Cheri Riley
    • Secretary: Joe Vermette
    • Treasurer: Carol Gruszka
    • Directors: Lorrain Armstrong, Kent Carroll, Cathy Parks,

New Business:

  • Overnight Van Parking. Neighbors have begun to express concerns about occupied vans parking curbside overnight in Lake Pasadena Estates. The LPENA Board is also concerned about this growing problem but has no “policing” authority. The City of St. Petersburg passed an ordinance on January 18, 2024, limiting parking of modified vans on City streets to four (4) hours. (For additional information, see LPENA is committed to communicating with our neighbors regarding problems we encounter and how they can be reported to authorities. Reporting of occupied vans overstaying the stated limit can be reported via or to our District 1 City Council Member, Copley Gerdes.
  • Block Captains. It was suggested that we solicit and appoint Block Captains to communicate with nearby neighbors regarding activities, meetings, etc. If you are willing to serve as a Block Captain for your area, please attend our next meeting and volunteer.
  • Yard-of-the-Month: Directors have nominated and approved 6244 4th Avenue North as the first winner of the LPENA Yard-of-the-Month Award. Drive by, especially at night, to enjoy viewing their lovely landscaping.

Reminder: Please submit your annual membership dues via cash or check ($25/household) to any director or via Square ($26.05/household). THANK YOU!

Closing: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Gruszka, LPENA secretary

Treasurer’s Report:  Carol also provided the following treasurer’s report subsequent to the meeting:

Operating Account: $1,909.63 ($2,719.63 less $810 reserved for cul-de-sac fence maintenance and repair)
Income: $24.99 dues (via Square on 1/22/24 – please let us know who submitted these dues since Square does not designate donor)