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Fred Douglas Acker, Jr.
Carole Adams (Shelby)
Charles Adams
Ernie L. Adams
Class Administrator
James Akers
Leah Akins (Young)
Jesse Albritton (Ohs'58)
Moselle Alden (1957)
Julie Alden (OHS 1960)
J. D. Alexander
Boyce Alexander (1957)
Maurice Alfred (Music T…
Carolyn Allison (Knight)
Richard Alsup
Sandra Amburgey (Oliver)
Elizabeth Anderson
Glenn Anderson
George Anderson (Faculty, A…
George Anglin (1959)
Joyce Anoris (Posey 1959)
Mary Armstrong (Ohs'60) (Tyson)
Jimmy Arner (Ohs'57)
Marcelino "Marc" Arredond…
Roger Ashford (1959)
Herschell Atkinson
Virginia (Ginny) Ayers (1959)
Jerry Bailey
Lenora Baker (Speegle)
Freddy B. Baker (1957)
Joe Balog
Ted Banner (OHS 1957)
Patricia Barber (Sibley)
Barbara Barclay
Gerald Barham
Ed "Zeke" Barlow (1957)
Rodney Batchelor (1959)
Carolyn Yvonne Bates (Owens)
Ken Baxter
J. W. Beard
Donna Beekman (Holmes 1959)
Lynda Sue Beeman
Brenda Belcher (Sims)
Patricia June Bell
Suzan Benbow (Taff)
Ralph Bendorf
David Benton
Ronald Berry
Howard Ruble Bethel
Judith Bethel (Walton 1959)
Mary Sue (Williams) Bethel (W…)
Ronald Bever
Ben Bevers
Jerry Blair
Bob Blair (Teacher)
Ellen Blanchard (Springfield 1959)
Louise Boling (Watson 1959)
Madalyn Boling (Baker)
Isaac E. "Ike" Booher
Sharon Boone (Akers)
Hoyt Bothe
Hoyt Bothe
Charles Bowen
John Winslow Bowen (1959)
James Bowman
Gary Boyd
Ida Gwen Braly (Tyson Blank…)
Edwin Branson (Teacher)
Lonnie Brantley (1959)
Clarence Preston Brewer (1960)
Helen Brewer (Teacher)
Beverly Jean Brewster
Larry Thomas Brewster (1960)
Glenna Briggs
Bill Brinlee
La Nelle Brooks
Charles Broughton
David Broughton
Carolyn Brown
Elmarine Brown (Berry)
Ernestine Brown (Alexander)
La Nita Coleete Brown
Dorothy Brown (Teacher)
Beverly Jean Brownback
Janice Brownen (Camp)
Margie Brownfield (Abendschan)
Don Brownlee (1959)
Harry James Brownlee (PHS 1960)
Romie Leslie “Les” Brow…
Sue Ann Brumble (Daniel)
Ramona Brunson (Tucker)
Ray Douglas Bryant
James C. Bryant (1959)
Clifford Buchanan (1959)
Joe Buice (Teacher)
Carl Bunch
Anna Burch (Evans)
Betty Burleson (Wilcoxon)
Patricia Ann Burns
Douglas Burrous (Teacher)
Kay Burton (Robertson)
Mary Anna Burton
Harold Everett Busby Jr
Ronald Butler
Walter "Ray" Butler
Howard Young Butler (1959)
Edith Buzbee (Ingram)
James Robert Byrne
Charles Caddell
Joe L. Callison
Delores Campbell (Weston)
Wendell Campbell
John Boyd Cannon
Craig Otis Canon (1957)
Rodney Dale Carlisle
Royce Fred Carrigan
Charles Allen Carrigan (1959)
Evelena Carroll
John Thomas Carruth (1962)
Warren Lee Carter
Donald Gene Carter (OHS 1947)
Jim Bob Cavender
Bobby Cheairs
Robert Ellis Cheney
Judy Childers (White, 1961)
Bob Clark (Teacher)
Jerry (Gerald) Clay (…
Judy Clement (Mapp Jones)
John Howard Clements
Linda Cline (Courtney Ector'59)
Leo Vernon Cloud
Patricia Clover (Fekete)
Patricia Clowdus (Brownlee 1959)
Beth (Dorothy) Cochran (Childs …)
Hugh Cochron (Coach)
Maxine Devera Cogburn
Delores Coker (Robertson)
James King Cole
John Henry Cole
Linda Sue Collier (Moore)
Carol Collom (Hildenbrand 1959)
Martha K. Connell (Elliott)
Myrna Cook (Bailey)
Billy Cy Cook (1948)
Frank Ray Cook (Ector'58)
Anita Cooke (New)
Malcom Coombes (1959)
Jerry Cooper (Cooper)
Joyce Cooper (Porter)
Leonard Cooper
Carlene Fern Cornelius
June Cornelius (Allen)
Ed Costello
Jim Covington
Jerry Dale Coward
Larry Stan Cox (1959)
Jerry Mac “Punk” Cozby
Nelda Craig (Thomas Ector 1958)
Sandra Lurine Crawford (Petty 1959)
Dwaine Crawford (Ector '58)
James Creel (1957)
Bill Crisp
Larry Criswell
Dona Lee Croft
Don Wayne Cryer
Nancy Marie Culpepper
Carole Cunningham (Martin 1959)
Nancy Lou Daniel
Gwen Daniel (1959) (Goodpas…)
Genie Danley (Keneipp)
Grace Davidson (Teacher)
Carl Dean Davis
Jay Vernon Davis (Coach)
Bertha Joy Davisson (Cryer 1959)
Fred Davisson (Ector …
Kay DeBerry (DeBerry)
Marvin DeBolt
Betty Deiterman (Tanner)
Mary Lou Dempsey (1959) (Ande…)
Joe Madison Denman
Linda Dillard
LouRene Donaldson (Barron1957)
Elizabeth Dowden (Harned 1961)
Eugene Drennan
Marita Drennan (Hendrick 1960)
Larry Wade Drennan (1959)
John Driggers
Victor Drinkard (Teacher)
Ethel Jo Ann Dry (Easley)
Doyne Dugger (Ector'58)
Michael Lee Duke
Carolyn Duncan (Anderson 1957)
Myrl "Slick" Duncan (…
James Fielding Dunlap
Nina Jo Dunlap
Wayne Duzan
Joyce Eady (Goodwin)
Sharon Eady (1959)
John David Earnest
Eleanor Edmondson
Janice Edwards (Weems OHS 1970)
Betty Mary Elliott (Williams)
Patricia Ann Elliott
Sharon Elliott
Vancene Elliott (Tuggle)
Willis Emerick
Gerald James Erwin
Linda Lee Erwin (Bishop)
John William Eubank
Charles Eudy
Judy Sue Evans (Schoen)
Sandy Ewell (New 1959)
Oran Wayne Faircloth
Leo Faubion (1959)
James Louis Faustlin
Mary Fewin (Tisdale)
Willie Filleman (Teacher)
Jerry E. Fitzgerald
Emma Lou Flannigan
Sharon Flowers (Jenkins)
Morris Don Flowers (OHS 1957)
JoBeth Ford (Kerr)
Sandra Ford (Gallaway)
Hughla Faye Foreman (OHS …
Betty Franke (Teacher)
Marian Franklin (Cobb)
Sally Franklin (1957)
Paul Calvin Franks
Karen Adams Fulton
Mary Ellen Fulton
James (Ratliff) Furry
Douglas Gage
Nancy Gann (Taylor)
James C. Garrett (OHS 1960)
Carla Jean Gaskill (Waddel)
Doris Nell Gentry
William F. (Bill) Gerber (Hus…)
Charles (Freddie) Gibson
Jimmy Gibson (EHS 1959)
Kathryn Gibson (Teacher)
Sam Dalton Giddens
Donald Louis Giddens (1959)
Wanda Arlina Gilbert (Roland1960)
Jack Gilbert (1959)
William Mack (Bill) Gillham
Jimmy Gilliland (1959)
Bryan Gleaton
Linda Gleaton
Donald Glenn (1956)
Juanita Louise Glenn (1959)
Lewis Godwin
Vickie Gomez (Ector 1959)
John Goodman (Teacher)
Ronnie Goodwin (1959)
Barbara Gordon
Linda Gay Gould
Herbert Graham
Mary Graham (1959) (Haragan)
Jerry Gray
Lou Ann Gray (Rabe)
Martin Gray
John Wayne Gray (1960)
Tommy Earl Grayson (1959)
Arlen Richard Green
George Green
Judith Kay Green (1959) (Balch)
Granville A, Green, Jr.
Anita Greene (Wilhelmi)
Charles Greener
Troy Greenfield
Ardis Griffin (Schnell)
Mary Grissom (Ector'59)
Jean Ann Grosshart
Sandra Gail Guest
Willis Gunn (Teacher)
Keith Hackler
Lynn Haile
Sara Duplissey Halbert
Suzanne Halbrook (Cook)
Donna Lee Hale
Barbara Hall
Harold Hall
Cardell Haller
Robert Hallmark
Marlin Earl Hamil
Elaine Hamilton (Sanders)
Nelda Hamilton (Bradley)
Charles Handley (1957)
Mary Ellen Hardwick (Siemen1959)
Susan Hardwick
C. R. (Bob) Hardwick (P…
Verlie Hargrove (Lawson)
Glenda Nell Harmon
Melvin Don Harper
Charles Byron Harrington
Martha Louann Harrington
David Harris (1959)
Herbert W. (Bill) Harris …
Ronald (Ronnie) Harris (1960)
Mazie Harris (Teacher)
Jerry Harris, OHS 1959
Geraldine Harrison (McIllhaney)
Wilma Harrison (Vahle 1956)
Roy Hart (1959)
Doris Jane Harvill (Reeves 1959)
Travis Leon Harville (1960)
Louis Wayne Hawkins (1959)
Vera Heard (Crawford Ector'58)
Alecia Hemphill (Self 1961)
Judy Elizabeth Hendrick (1959)
Benard Calvin "Nard" Hendri…
Karen Janice Henry (Mantooth)
John (Johnny) Henson
Glenda Ann Herndon
Del Rae Herring (Stump)
Barbar Ann Herrscher
Joel Hestand (1957)
Priscilla Hickam (Nelson 1959)
Lucretia Hickerson (1959)
Sharon Hickman (Hauerland 1960)
Jerry Hightower (OHS …
Rosemary Hill (McNatt 1959)
Sandra Lynn Hill
Lonnie Joe Hinds
Suzann Hinson
Lon Paul Hobbs (1960)
Kathy Lin Hodges (Decker)
Ted Lee Hodges
Lin Hodges -Decker (Morrison)
Bobby Crew Hoglan
Wilson Holbert (Teacher)
Phillip Anthony Holcomb
Sidney Holden (OHS Teacher)
Cole Holderman
Drew Holderman
William (Bill) H. Holland
Tom Holland (1959)
Cecil Holley (Phs'60)
George Hollis
Janice Holloway (1959)
Lee Holloway (Rhoads) (Buice)
W. L. Hollowell
Bill Holm (Assist Principal)
Billie Jean Holt
Judy Honeycutt (Sparks)
Billy Bob Hood
Robin Hood (Snow 1959)
Carol Lynn Horton (1959)
Joe Melvin House (OHS 1…
Madonna Hubbard (McCastlain)
Louise Huff (Shelton)
William Jack Hughes (1957)
Martha Hulsey (Harvey)
Vera Jean Hunter
Karen Larayne Huston
Wayne Hutson
Johnny Ingram (1957)
Regina "Gina" Irwin (Jarman…)
Jerry Lynn Isbell
Ray Ives (Teacher)
Judy Ivy (Champagne)
Betty Jackson (Rubey)
Gene Jackson
Molly Jackson (Mitchell)
Valton Lee Jackson
Don Jackson (1959)
Marie Sue James
Jimmy Louis Jameson
Janice Janke (Mayer)
Bill Jarman, Sr.
Carl Jasper
Sharron Kay Jennings
Barbara Johnson
Bill Johnson
Camellia Jenola Johnson (Flower…)
Jimmy Dale Johnson
Russell H. Johnson
Ralph Johnson (1957)
Mary Nell Johnson (Teacher)
Kaye Mignon Johnston (1957)
Annie Ruth Jones
Don Jones
James Jones
Lynette Jones (Lewis 1959)
Patsy Lea Jones (Higdon)
Thomas (Tad) Jones
Anne Louise Jones (Teacher)
Ruby K. Jones (Teacher)
Bertha Fae Jordan
Trudie Jo Jordan
Billie Jordon (Jones)
Nelda Jumper (Clark OHS 1959)
Georgia Ann Kail (1959) (Ellison)
Bonnie Marie Keenan (Lewis Able)
Chester Bueford Keeton
Barbara Louise Keith
Loretta Kelley (Thompson 1959)
Larry Z. Kennedy (1957)
W. A. "Dub" Kennedy, Jr (1957)
Patricia Joy Kennelley (Colston)
Jack Kennelley (OHS 1956)
Sue Kerley (Stakes 1961)
David M. Kerr (OHS 1958)
James Dean "Buzzy" Kers…
Carolyn Sue Kilfoy
Brenda Joyce King (Smith)
Lillie Mae King
Tommy Jerome (Jerry) King
Harmon King (Teacher)
Lynn Kirby
Lou Ann Kirk (Hitt OHS 1959)
Donald Wayne Kitchens (1959)
Sondra Kay Knight
Judy Kramer (Cobb1957)
Clara Krapf (OHS Attendance…
Ronald Edwin Kuenstler
Milton Kuser (Teacher)
Alex Kutin (Phs'60)
Kay La Beau
Cathleen Mary LaBeau (Worthern …)
F. Scott LaGrone
Janet Lain (Emerson Ohs'61)
Michael S. Laird
Ellis Laminack
Charles Lane
Sally Lane
Gwon Langford (Moore)
Freddie Langston (Thorpe)
Clarence Edward Latham
Duanne Lawson
Rosemary Lawson (Harper)
Jerry Lee
LeRoy Lewis
Richard A. Lightfoot
Nancy Ligon (Fulton)
Max Burnett Lloyd
Deloris Avonne Lobban
Judy Locke (Ferguson)
Jimmy Locke (1957)
Sharryon Dean Longino (Willma…)
Dennis A, Loyd
Clyde Lee Lynn
Suzanne Lytton
Carl Maddoux (Teacher)
Carolyn Maddox (Johnson)
Robert L. Maddox (Teacher)
Margaret P. Maddox, Teacher
John Malaise (Coach)
Carolyn Malone (Wilson)
Margaret Manning (Wilemon 1959)
Maxine Marble (McCollough)
Jon Dwight Markham
Deanna Marsh (Maudlin)
Phyllis Marshall
Robert Marshall (Teacher)
Joyce Martin (Goff)
Kay Martin (Carter Ohs'60)
Linda Martin (1957) (Robertson)
John Martinez (1959)
Florence Marvin (Giles 1957)
Janet Mason
Michael W. Massey (Phs'60)
Marlene Maxwell (Brown)
Lou Carolyn May (Rutherford)
Mattie Evelyn Mayfield
Liddie McAfee (Price)
Martha McAnally (Shafer)
Joyce Gail McCarty (Greenlee 1959)
Earl McCarty (OHS 1961)
Jerry McChristian
Martha McClain (Gerber)
Delores McClure (McCarley)
Jeryl Jo McClure (Everett)
Suzanne McCurdy (Klee 1960)
Rodney McDonald
Bess Church McDonald (Teacher)
Ola Mae McDonald (Teacher)
Patti McGuire (Witt OHS 1959)
Lloyd McKee, Jr (Teacher)
Doug McLemore (Teacher)
Mary Lin McLeod
Dick McManigle (OHS 1956)
James G. McMath (Principal)
Thomas McMorris
Leslie Jerald McNair
Marvin McNeil (McNeil)
Patty Jean Meason
Jo Ann Medford (Noble)
Loretta Sue Meek
Brenda Meinzer (Gray1959)
Margo Melton (Campbell 1959)
Judith Meyers (Driggers)
Don David Mick
Roger O. Miles (1959)
Martin E. Miller (1959)
Lowell Miller (1960)
Dawn Mills (Bradley Ector'58)
Tommy Keith Mills
Don Millsap (1959)
Janice Marie Mitchell (Barron)
John T. "Tommy" Mitchell (1959)
Bob Mitchell OHS'55
Leonard Monroe (1959)
James Moody (1959)
Brenda Joyce Moore
Howard Moore
James Moore
Jane Moore (Bynum)
Joseph "Lanny" Moore
Thomas Otis Moore
Glenda Moreland (Ball)
Norene Morgan (Teacher)
Kathryn Ann Moriarty (Killeen)
Anita Jane Moseley (Cobb)
Marlene Gale Moseley
Morris Dale Moseley
Nancy Muns (Leonard)
Susan Muns (Parker1960)
Myrna Lynn Murr (O'Dey)
Jane Murrell (1959) (Hext)
Judith Faye Myers
Walter Myers
Filipe Ramos Nabarrette
Charles Elliott Nail (1959)
Kay Nance (Townsend)
Filippe Naverette
Leonard Odell Neatherlin
Jo Ann Neel (1959)
Jackie Nelson (1957)
Kenneth New (1957)
Walter Lewis "Buddy" New (1…
Janie Newsom (Cotton Ector 1958)
Ray Newton (Teacher)
Tommy Nickell
David Noble
Sherwood Noel (McGuigan)
Charles Noll
Elizabeth Noll (McCarty)
C. H. Norman (Teacher)
Janie Norris (Simmonds 1957)
Bob Norris (1959)
Danny O'Dowdy (1957)
Gordon O'Dell (1956)
Jerry Pat O'Dowdy (1959 (Ta…)
David Offutt
Pricilla Oldham (Jones)
Benny Leon Oliver
Judy Oliver (Webb 1959)
John David Olsen
Eddie Lynn O'Rear (OHS 1959)
Jerry Ormand
Sherrill Overtuff
Sherman Dean Oxford
Bill Pannell (1962)
Tex Paris (1959)
Jerald Gomer Park
Gary Parker
Linda Parker (Stewart)
David T. Parkhill (OHS …
Jerry Parkis
Gary F. Parsons
Jerry Paulette (1956)
Kenneth Paynter
Donald Pennock, Coach, …
Patricia Earlene Perkins
Linda Delores Perry (Wallende…)
C. J. "Pete" Peters
Sheridan Pettit (Moore)
Glenn Petty (1959)
Myrna Jo Phillips (Thompson)
Don L. Phillips (1956)
Bill Philpott (1959)
Jo Anne Pickering (Douglas 1959)
Veta Pickering (Reese)
Patricia June Pickrell
OHS 1959 55th Reunion Pictures
Walter (Walt) Pierce (Ec…
Clara Doris Pike
James Vance Pipkin (1959)
Lana Pittman (Carothers 1959)
Nancye Pittman (Castleberry1959)
Wanda Jean Pleasant
David Ponder
John Pool (Ector'59)
Barbara Jean Porter (Kuenstler)
Jackie Porter (Shipley Abbott…)
Richard L. Porter
Robert Charles Porter (1959)
Timothy Porter (1959)
R. C. Posey, Web Site Admin
Shirley Potts (Thomas 1959)
Jerry Pratt
Joe Ronald Pratt
Terry Pratt
Julian E. Pressly, Base…
John Curtis Price
Tommy Proctor
Carmon Pruett (Koonce 1959)
Bobby Pruit
Glynda Pryor (1959)
Billy D. Pucket (1960)
Janet Leah Pugh
Patsy Fern Pullin
Lee Wain Pursley
Jeanne Purswell (Stark)
Cecilia Raglin (Hollowell)
Renee Ragsdill (Dempsey)
Roberto Ramirez
Sonja Ramsey (Emmrich 1959)
Margaret Ann Ratliff (Garner …)
William Ratliff
Daphne Read (Riley)
Gerald Dee Redman
Sherwood "Woody" Reeves (1957)
Carole Ann Reid
Carolyn Reynolds
Leon (Lee) Reynolds (…
DeWain Rhoads (1959)
Sandra Kay Rhodes (McCullough 1959)
Teresa Jo Rhodes (Ford)
Shirley Rice (Pokorny)
John Thomas Richard
Sandra Sue Riddles (Harper 1959)
Donald Riggs
Bobby Riley (1959)
Jean Ann Rimes (Huckaby 1957)
Vickie Sue Rister
Dorothy Ritchey (Witt 1959)
Don Roberts
Donna Sue Roberts (Goodwin 1957)
Rheta Roberts (Duncan)
Robert Roberts (1959)
Johnie Ruth Robinson (Grainger)
Anne Robinson (1959)
Reba Rodenberg (Chisum)
Lawrence E. Roe
Eleanor Rogers (Edmondson)
Marlene Rogers
Jerry D. Rogers (1959)
Rosa Marie Rowe (1959)
Karen Rudolph (Moody 1959)
Melanie Rumbaugh
Sue Rush (Turner)
Dwain Edwin Rush (1959)
Alford L. Rushing (Teacher)
Durwood Mack Russell
Joyce Russell (Ogbum)
"Rusty" Russell (1959)
Jerry Keith Rutherford
Donald Rex Rutledge
Barbara Gay Salmon (Wimpee)
Helen Faye Sanders
H. J. "Choc" Sanders (Teacher)
Verma Sanders (Teacher)
Judy Sandusky (Moore)
Patricia Sapp (Mims)
Frances Matilda Schlemeyer …
Beverly Scott (Prather)
Bobby Gene Scott
Netha Scott (Alsup)
Linda Scowden (Cooper)
Sylvia Scroggins (Laird)
Dudley Joel Scruggs
Thomas Harrell Seabourn
Charles Seaman
Mary Frances Self (Stucks)
Saundra Elizabeth Sellers
Nelda Sessums
Doris Jane Sewell (Moore 1959)
Stan Seymour
Betty Jo Shacklett (Gerig)
Noble Shadix
Linda Shaffer (Stewart 1959)
Sondra Sharp (Meil)
Nancy Marie Sheppard
Alfred Shepperd
Dale Sherrod (OHS '55)
Jackie Shewmake
Marion Lowell Shipley
Melvin R. Shipley
Sharon Shipley (1962) (Massey)
Melvin K. Shipman
Marlene Shortes (Donaway)
Patricia Shortes (Doyal 1959)
Linda Sides
Neva Sikes (Hetfield)
Brenda Carol Simpson (1959)
Jeanette Sims (1959)
Jerry Sizemore (McGregor)
Jimmy Marrion Skaggs
Billy Ray Slack
Anita Slaughter (Simpson)
Richard Lee Slaughter (1959)
Jimmy Leroy Smith
Linda Smith
Mary Jo Smith (Thomas)
Penelope Lee Smith
Richard Audas (Dick) Smith
Sandra Yvonne Smith
Sharon Kay Smith (Braswell …)
Sue Smith
Suellis Smith (Bryant)
Virgie Lou Smith (Boyd)
Clinton Smith (1957)
Jimmy Hiram Smith (OHS 1957)
Patsy Diane Snead (Mason)
Lee Sneath (1959)
Carolyn Somers (Hestand)
Kenneth Wayne Songer (~1959)
Gary Spann (OHS 1959)
William Merle Spence
Carol Ann Spence (1959)
Ronald "Ronnie" Sperberg (P…
Caron Sue Sramek (Babcock 1959)
George Stallings (1960)
Bessie W. Standley (Teacher)
Raymond Lee Stark
Barbara Joy Starnater (Groening…)
Sandra Stephens (Wakefield)
Marilynn Stepp (GishPHS'60)
Frederick Benjamin Ster…
Don Allen Steveson
Billy Gene Stewart
Martha Stewart (Shavers)
Martha Ann Stewart
Donald E. Stewart (1962)
Bessie Stewart (Teacher)
Jimmie Jean Stoddard (Darr)
Betty Sue Stoker (Elliott1960)
Ray Charles Stoker (1957)
Wayne Story
Donald Loyd Stout (OHS1…
Richard G. Stringer
Olivia Sullivan (Boone)
Ralph R. Swafford (Teacher)
Richard Sweat
Carolyn Sweeney (Judd)
Fred R Szenasi (Szenasi)
Bill Taff (1957)
Ann Taylor (Tayrien)
Lonnie W Taylor (1957)
Lynn Doniece Taylor (1959)
Duane Taylor (Ector'58)
Janet Tayrien
Jack Tayrien (1957)
Nancy Tennant (Stiles)
Lillian Irene Tennison
Glenda Thomas (McMillan 1959)
Tomy Thomas (1959)
Agnes Thomas (Teacher)
William Buford Thompson
Thomas L. Thompson (1959)
Travis Thornton
Nora Tiemann (Shellenberger)
Jan Tillinghast (Spann)
Edmond Tillman
Carl Edward Tindol
F. Byron Townsend (1948)
Laura Trawick (Teacher)
Sharon Tripp (Goodwin1960)
Judie Tripp (1959) (Gibson Paris)
Suzanne Tripp (1959)
Sandra Lee Trippet (Maxwell 1959)
Zoe Ann Trogden (McManigle, 1959)
John Trotter
Dana Dayle Tubb
Suzanne Tucker (Brewer 1959)
Merry Tuggle (Calderoni)
Jerry Lee Tune
Lacy Ray Turner (Coach, Teacher)
Olivia Jane Turpen
Annie Mae Tuscana
Robert Leroy Tuttle
Lillie Tyler (Washburn)
Jerry Tyson (Phs'60)
Paula Uranga (Markas)
Ida Sue Vaden (Horn1960)
Martha Vanderveer (Safford)
Alfred M. "Ace" Vanley, Jr (…
Sandra Vannaman (1957) (Oaks)
Lea Anne Vaughn
Martha McAnally Vetter
Bill Wagnon (1957)
Marilyn Wall (Kindel 1959)
LaMarylis Wall (Teacher)
Jerry Wallace
Shirley Ann Wallace
Sue Walling (Barnes)
Otto Wallum
Sylvia Walner (White)
Connie Flo Ward (1949) (Henson)
Ethel Ward (Teacher)
James Allen Watkins
Ken Watkins
Charolette Watson (Collie)
Gary Lincoln Watson
Marion Lou Watson
Glenda Weaver (Kratzer)
Wayne Weaver
Gwen Webb (Gillham)
Jacquelyn Sue Webb
Melvin Webb
Rosemary Webb (Graves)
Donald Ray Weeks
Carmen Weiser (Smith)
Carolyn Welch (Miller)
Johnny Welch
William Kendall Westbrook
Belmont Westbrook (OHS '61)
Patty Westermann (1959) (Go…)
Erion Wharton (Gaston)
Chester B. Whatley
Gail Wheeler (Pool)
Horace Gene "Buddy" White
Jerrie White (Alfred 1960)
Joy White (Edwards 1959)
Sally Jo White (Sipes)
Clayton "Buddy" White (1959)
Jackie Ray White (1959)
Ronnie White (1961)
Edna White (Teacher)
Delores Jean Whitehead
Gary Whitehead
Sandy Whiteley (1959)
Harold "Sandy" Whitely (1959)
Joe Whitmore
Judith Nell Whitworth
Robert H. Wickson
Geta William Wilcox
Carol Ann Wilkinson (Hammitt …)
Lawrence Watkin Wilkinson
Martha Wilkinson (Connally)
Eddie Williams
Jean Williams (Lehner)
J'Nevelyn Williams (Melton1959)
Judith Fay Williams
Patsy Williams (Burns)
Sharon Williams (Bell)
Del Williams (Ector'58)
Joe Willis
Joe Willis
Patricia Willis (Estepp)
Doug Willmann
Donald Wayne Wilson
Elizabeth Anne Wilson
Linda Wilson (Butts)
Peggy Wilson (Newport 1957)
Rex Wilson
Amy Winn (Teacher)
Stanley Ray Winter
Betty Witherspoon
Weston Wolff
Hilda Wolff (1959) (Farr)
Lynell Womble (WagnonPHS'64)
Gerald Lee Wood
Geraldine Wood
Woodrow Ronald Woodson
Carolyn Sue Woody
Barbara Woolley
Pat Worthy (Faubion)
Ronald Wright
Ronal L. Wright (1960)
Vernon J. Wright (Teacher)
Barbara Jean Yarbrough
Carolyn Ann Young
Joe Howard Young (1959)
Dorothy Ziehr
Guest Members
Hayden Fry (Hall Of Fame)
OHS 1958 55th Reunion Photos
Corral 1953 Activities
Corral 1954 Activities
Corral 1957 Activities
Corral 1958 Activities
Corral 1959 Activities
Corral 1960 Activities
Corral 1946 Adm & Faculty
Corral 1947 Adm & Faculty
Corral 1939 Admin & Faculty
Corral 1960 Admin & Faculty
Corral 1961 Admin & Faculty
Panther 1960 Admin & Faculty
Corral 1948 Administration
Corral 1953 Administration
Corral 1954 Administration
Corral 1956 Administration
Corral 1957 Administration
Corral 1958 Administration
Corral 1959 Administration
EHS Falcula 1958 Administration
FHS 1936 Administration
Corral 1939 Advertisements
Corral 1946 Advertisements
Corral 1947 Advertisements
Corral 1948 Advertisements
FHS 1936 Advertising
Corral 1939 All
Corral 1940 All
Corral 1941 All
Corral 1939 Athletics
FHS 1936 Athletics
Broncho Bar-B-Que Grill
Charles Broughton Birthday Card
Mike Laird Birthday Card
Molly Jackson (Mitchell) Bir…
Sylvia Scroggins Laird Birthday …
Corral 1961 Campus Activities
Panther 1960 Campus Activities
Corral 1956 Campus Life
OHS 1959 Corral Compact Disk
Corral 1953 Corral Staff
Corral 1954 Corral Staff
Corral 1957 Corral Yearbook …
FHS 1936 Courses -Classical
FHS 1936 Courses -Commercial
FHS 1936 Courses -Industria…
FHS 1936 Courses -Technical
EHS Falcula 1958 Curriculum
Corral 1957 Custodial_Cafeteria
Corral 1953 Faculty
Corral 1954 Faculty
Corral 1956 Faculty
Corral 1957 Faculty
Corral 1958 Faculty
Corral 1959 Faculty
EHS Falcula 1958 Faculty
Ector 1958 Falcula
List Of Famous Quotations
Corral 1939 Favorites
Corral 1946 Favorites
Corral 1948 Favorites
Corral 1956 Favorites
Corral 1957 Favorites
Corral 1958 Favorites
Corral 1959 Favorites
Corral 1961 Favorites
EHS Falcula 1958 Favorites
OHS Corral 1960 Favorites
PHS Panther 1960 Favorites
Corral 1947 Features
Corral 1953 Features
Corral 1954 Features
FHS 1936 Features
Registration Form 1961
Panther 1960 Freshman Pictures
Mother/Daughter Reunion Gran…
Staggering Graphics1
Corral 1946 Grind
Mike & Sylvia Laird Happy An…
Helpful Hints
Hitler Austria Hitler Austria
Thomas Jefferson-How Did He…
Corral 1956 In Memoriam
Corral 1957 In Memoriam
Corral 1958 In Memoriam
EHS Falcula 1958 In Memoriam
Corral 1960 Index
Corral 1961 Index
OHS 1958 55th Reunion Inform…
Corral 1958 Intro & Dedication
Oceania Riviera July 2012
EHS Falcula 1958 Junior High
Panther 1960 Junior Pictures
Corral 1939 Juniors
Corral 1946 Juniors
Corral 1947 Juniors
Corral 1948 Juniors
Corral 1953 Juniors
Corral 1954 Juniors
Corral 1956 Juniors
Corral 1957 Juniors
Corral 1958 Juniors
Corral 1959 Juniors
Corral 1960 Juniors
Corral 1961 Juniors
EHS Falcula 1958 Juniors
Carter Hardware Little Leagu…
Corral 1959 Memoriam
Staggering Graphics. . Millio…
Corral 1957 Miscellaneous
YouTube Music Videos
On-Line Newspapers
Who Is Coming To The OHS 55th Reunion
Corral 1946 Organizations
Corral 1947 Organizations
Corral 1948 Organizations
Corral 1953 Organizations
Corral 1954 Organizations
FHS 1936 Organizations
Pat B-Day Pat B-Day
Corral 1946 Personality Parade
Ardis Facebook Photos
Elem /Jr High Photos
How To Upload Photos
Joyce Cooper Porter Photos
Toltzman Photos
Old Classmate's Pics
Grade School Pics 2
Grade School Pics 3
Grade School Pictures
OHS 100th Centennial Pictures
OHS 1957 50th Reunion Pictures
OHS 1957 55th Reunion Pic…
OHS 1958 50th Reunion Pictures
OHS 1957-58 Bronchos Pictures (1…
OHS 1959 50th Reunion Pictur…
OHS 1959 50th Reunion Pictur…
OHS-PHS 1960 50th Reunion Pi…
OHS-PHS 1960 55th Reunion Pictur…
OHS-PHS 1960 50th Reunion Pi…
The Class Reunion
Class Of 1959 45th Reunion G…
Latest OHS 55th Reunion Information
Cuba Pictures Richard Porter
Cuba Trip 2/17/12 Richard Porter
Travel Photos Sapp (Mims)
Corral 1939 Schools
Corral 1960 Senior Pictures
Ector High Senior Pictures
Panther 1960 Senior Pictures
Corral 1939 Seniors
Corral 1946 Seniors
Corral 1947 Seniors
Corral 1948 Seniors
Corral 1953 Seniors
Corral 1954 Seniors
Corral 1956 Seniors
Corral 1957 Seniors
Corral 1958 Seniors
Corral 1959 Seniors
Corral 1961 Seniors
EHS Falcula 1958 Seniors
Amazing Bowling Shots
Amazing Golf Shots
Corral 1947 Snaps
Corral 1956 Snaps
Corral 1957 Snaps
Corral 1958 Snaps
Corral 1959 Snaps
Corral 1960 Snaps
Panther 1960 Snaps
Corral 1939 Snapshots
Corral 1953 Snapshots
Corral 1954 Snapshots
FHS 1936 Sophomore Class
Corral 1960 Sophomore Pictures
Panther 1960 Sophomore Pictures
Corral 1939 Sophomores
Corral 1946 Sophomores
Corral 1947 Sophomores
Corral 1948 Sophomores
Corral 1953 Sophomores
Corral 1954 Sophomores
Corral 1956 Sophomores
Corral 1957 Sophomores
Corral 1958 Sophomores
Corral 1959 Sophomores
Corral 1961 Sophomores
EHS Falcula 1958 Sophomores
Fhgs Maple Leaves Sophomores
Corral 1946 Sports
Corral 1947 Sports
Corral 1948 Sports
Corral 1953 Sports
Corral 1954 Sports
Corral 1956 Sports
Corral 1957 Sports
Corral 1958 Sports
Corral 1959 Sports
Corral 1960 Sports
Corral 1961 Sports
EHS Falcula 1958 Sports
Panther 1960 Sports
Corral 1956 Staff
Corral 1958 Staff
EHS Falcula 1958 Staff
Corral 1960 Student Council
Panther 1960 Student Council
Corral 1953 Supplement
Corral 1957 Supplement
Corral 1958 Supplement
Corral 1959 Supplement
Corral 1957 Table Of Contents
Corral 1958 Table Of Contents
Corral 1959 Table Of Contents
Corral 1961 Table Of Contents
Diary Of New Texas Resident
Odessa Indoor Movie Theatres…
Australia Travel Pictures
China Travel Pictures
Great Britain Travel Pictures
Greek Isles Travel Pictures
Mexico Cruise Travel Pictures
Misc China Travel Pictures
Misc Russia Travel Pictures
Pat Mims European Travel Pic…
Russia Travel Pictures
Sheridan Moore Travel Pictures
Horace Gene "Buddy" White Tr…
Amazing Baseball Trick Plays
Amazing Pool Trick Shot
Corral 1953 Who's Who
Corral 1959 Yearbook
EHS 1958 Falcula Yearbook
FHS 1937 Yearbook
Corral 1957 Yearbook Staff
Corral 1959 Yearbook Staff
Corral 1960 Yearbook Staff
Panther 1960 Yearbook Staff