Annual Meeting 2022

  1.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. MST by Roger Borgwardt, board president, who stated there was a quorum.
  2. Proof of the notice of the annual meeting was acknowledged.  Borgwardt, introduced Steve Patton, vice-president, Jean Mills, secretary, Sheryl Brown, treasurer and Cheri Maniz, manager, and asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of residents no longer with us.
  3. It was moved by R. Hermsen, #2015, and seconded by P. Peck, #29, to approve the minutes of February 8, 2022, as read. Motion passed.
  4. President’s Remarks: Borgwardt gave special thanks to Martin Hayward, former resident and board president, for his years of service to the HOA and to owners Lee Hain and Jeff Coughlin who volunteered to help and advise the board after Hayward’s resignation until this meeting, as well as to members of the Nominating Committee. All owners were encouraged to become more active by volunteering to assist where needed.
  5. Brown reviewed the financial information provided to owners in their packets. Our income in 2021 benefitted from the transfer fee paid when 16 condos sold. The board has proposed spending about $131,000 on capital projects in 2022. It was moved by L. Hain, #1028, and seconded by E. Bakst, #1019, to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
  6. Committee Reports. Although these reports were included in the owners’ annual meeting packets, Patton, who has handled landscaping and building issues this year added the following information.                             1.  A grading project around buildings 2 and 6 would begin February 16, 2002, to alleviate flooding conditions during the monsoon season.             2. Volunteers will be needed to help plant the 80-100 new plants and trees.                                                                                                                                     3. A greenspace exploration committee of volunteers will be formed to brainstorm ideas for a year on how we can save water.                                 4. We do not have a security service. We pay two men $3/hour to check the gates to our pools in the evening. However, if the owners want the board to hire a costly security service, they should let the board know.    5. Owners may pick up replacement light bulbs for their outside fixtures and touch-up paint for their use at the office.  We all need to pitch in to keep our property in good shape
  7. New Business                                                                                                            1. Owners Speak.
  1. In response to concerns of S. Van Leuven, #1029, about building 2, the board is working to get water draining away from the building,  

considering new commercial grade gutters, will repair the hole in

 one of the pillars, and explained that a French drain is basically

 buried tile.                                                 

  1. In response to the discussion of south pool chemical testing frequency brought to the board’s attention by E. Bakst, #1019, and A. Jorgenson, #1021, the board will purchase test kits. In response to a question regarding the different pool designations from K. Slezak, #A-1, it was stated that our pool service contract considers the south pool “residential” which requires only weekly testing. The larger north pool is considered “commercial” and requires testing three times a week. There is a significant price difference for the “residential” designation. #1021 suggested that a written record of the results of our testing should be made.

2. Voting Results.                                                                                                         Chris Howells, #1004, Nominating Committee Chairperson introduced the vote counters Roger Spencer, #25, Virgil Christianson, #68, and Terry Campbell, #2007. The results were: 72 votes for Jeff Coughlin, 71 votes for Roger Borgwardt, and 1 vote each for Jim Nielsen, Karl Koskela and Elliot Bakst.                                                                                                                                                       


Patton responded to a question of online privacy for voting by J. Ahern, #1038, stating that while each voter had their own code to record their vote, only the fact that they had voted was available to the board.


It was moved by J. Engbrecht, #2004, and seconded by J. Nielsen, #32, to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 p.m. MST.