October 8, 2024



OCTOBER 8, 2024


  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:07 a.m. MST by Borgwardt.


  1. Proof of meeting notice acknowledged. Present: Roger Borgwardt, president, Steve Patton, vice-president, Jean Mills, secretary, Sheryl Brown, treasurer, Jeff Coughlin, director at-large, and Cheri Maniz, manager.


  1. It was moved by Brown and seconded by Coughlin to approve the minutes of September 10, 2024. Motion passed.


  1. Owner Concerns. None.


  1. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Coughlin to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion passed. As of September 30, 2024, the capital reserve account balance is $394,833.40.


  1. Manager’s Report.                                                                                                                             A.  Borgwardt and Coughlin will meet with Western Exterminators in November regarding their last bill.                                                                                          B. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Patton to pay Katie Klean $400 to wash the inside and outside of 37 clubhouse windows which hasn’t been done for two years. Motion passed.                                                                                        C. The issue of probable door vandalism at #64 is not a board issue.                  D. Maniz and Coughlin will contact attorney Dan Curis regarding clarification of CC&Rs on soffit maintenance responsibility.                                                               E. SRP has informed customers of a 3.8% increase beginning November 1, 2024, to cover their $300 million deficit in their Fuel Purchase Power Adjustment Mechanism (FPPAM).


  1. Buildings.                                                                                                                                           A.  Coughlin is developing a list of possible repairs which could include interior clubhouse painting and minor repairs.                                                        B. An enclosure around pool pumps and equipment will be installed.              C. A lot of damage to downspouts has been noted.


  1. Landscape.  It was moved by Mills and seconded by Coughlin to have Pedro remove a dead eucalyptus tree at a cost of not more than $1500.


  1. Committee Report. None.


  1. Unfinished Business.                                                                                                                    A. Special Assessment – two outstanding.                                                                             B. Audit – in process.                                                                                                               C. Corporate Transparency Act – filing to be done by December 31, 2024.


  1. New Business. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Patton to approve the updated CC&Rs and Bylaws to present to members for voting beginning November 1 and ending December 31, 2024. Motion passed.                         Voting will be online from computer or in the clubhouse. Redlined documents are available to read in the clubhouse.


  1. For the Good of the Order. None.


  1. 2024 Meeting Dates: November 12, November 26 (Budget Meeting) and December 10. All meetings are on Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. MST.


  1. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Coughlin to adjourn at 9:09 a.m. MST.


Respectfully submitted,

Jean E. Mills, secretary                                                                     jeanmills2623@gmail.com
