February 9,2021



                                                                                   FEBRUARY 9, 2021


  1.  The meeting was called to order at 8:33 MST by Hayward.


  1. Proof of meeting notice was acknowledged. Present; Hayward, Mills, Brown, Patton, Borgwardt and Maniz.


  1. It was moved by Brown and seconded by Borgwardt to accept the minutes of January 5, 2021. Motion passed.


  1. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Borgwardt to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.


  1. Manager’s Report:                                                                                                                                  A. The annual meeting packet was sent out to owners. We are sending emails to owners to remind them to vote, following the requirements given in their packet.  Ballots not following the directions cannot be counted.                                                                                   B.  Four owners have taken advantage of storing their bikes in a secured area behind the library.                                                                                                                                              C.  Citing clean-up problems caused by the trees around the south pool and complaints from our pool company, it was moved by Borgwardt and seconded by Patton to remove the two trees to the south of that pool and not replace them with other trees. Motion passed.                                                                                                                                                      D.  Maniz will contact Western Exterminators to review our contract.                                     E. Only board members will receive owner requests.                                                                    F. As the HOA owns the carpeting only in Phase 2 because their base is wood, not concrete as in Phase 3, it was moved by Mills and seconded by Patton to pay $160 to clean the carpeting in building 2. Motion passed.                                                                                           G.  It was moved by Patton and seconded by Brown to pay the insurance deductible to owner of #29 due to the water damage.  Motion passed.                                                            H.  It was moved by Mills and seconded by Borgwardt to pay for the drywall repair in #2010.  Motion passed.                                                                                                                              I.  In building 5, the main water shut off is outside at ground level of each section and is HOA responsibility. The individual shut offs are the responsibility of the owners. Therefore, the request from #3013 is denied.                                                                              J. It was moved by Borgwardt and seconded by Mills to pay $812.50 to H H Pool Service, LLC for storm cleanup at the south pool, warranty service requirement on pool covers, and the removal, cleaning and treating small parcels over handrails. Motion passed.                 K.  It was moved by Borgwardt and seconded by Patton to approve the spending of up to $250.00 by Maniz for non-contracted incidental expenses without prior board approval. Motion passed. Other emergency expenses can be approved by the board president or treasurer.                                                                                                                                        L.  Owner fines of $100.00 per day may be levied against any owner who does not fix a violation withing 10 days of receiving an HOA notice.                                                                      M. Owners are reminded that there should be nothing put on patio walls or hung from patio railings.                                                                                                                                      N. The request to build a new patio wall at #38 is denied.


  1. Unfinished Business:
  1. Roofing – We have received a check for $63,595.47 from Travelers Insurance for our claim of damages from the hailstorm in 2020. Pro West will do the work as follows:  1) flat roofs in Phase 1 which will take about one week, 2) parking structures, and 3) patios. The work should be finished in April. Any costs incurred by Pro West above monies already provided will be settled between Pro West and the insurance company.                                                                                                                         
  2. It was moved by Patton and seconded by Mills to pay Pro West $18,320 for a third roof coating which was not in the original bid and to give us a fifteen-year warranty instead of the ten-year warranty with two coatings. Motion passed.
  3. We are waiting for two more bids for painting Phase 2.
  4. Pro West Has given us a proposal contract for yearly roof inspections for the entire village to maintain our warranty. This will be discussed at the March board meeting.
  5. PayHOA is working well and saving a lot of work. Payroll still must be handled through Quick Books.
  6. We are waiting for quotes on parging and painting in Phase 4.


  1. New Business:
  1. The yearly updating of the Rules and Regulations will be done in March.  
  2. Although the HOA has provided TV service, there is no requirement for it in the CC&Rs or Bylaws. 
  1. The annual meeting on February 16, 2021, will be followed by the organizational meeting of the new board.  The meeting in March will be on the 9th.
  2. The board will go into Executive Session after this meeting.   
  3. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 MST.


Jean Mills, Secretary                                                                                         jeanmills2623@gmail.com