The Village at Apache Wells in Mesa Arizona
August 13,2034
AUGUST 13, 2024
I. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. MST by Borgwardt.
II. Present: Roger Borgwardt, president, Steve Patton, vice-president, Jean Mills, secretary,
Sheryl Brown, treasurer, Jeff Coughlin, director at-large and Cheri Maniz, manager.
III. It was moved by Patton and seconded by Coughlin to approve the minutes from June 11,
2024. Motion passed.
IV. Owner Concerns. None.
V. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Coughlin to approve the treasurer’s report.
Motion passed. Mills will contact attorney Dan Curtis regarding possible foreclosure on a
VI. Manager’s Report. Some downspouts and ground runs had to be reattached due to the
strong winds in the area.
VII. Buildings.
A. We have had a good bait box report. Only six boxes needed new bait.
B. The board will schedule roof inspection and gutter cleaning twice a year; one before
and one after the monsoon season.
C. All sump pumps have been cleaned.
D. The in-pool lights have been switched over to photoelectric control switches so they
will now operate automatically from sunset to sunrise each day.
VIII. Landscape. The dying Bottle Brush tree near the carport by #1032 has been removed.
There is an ongoing evaluation of other Bottle Brush and Palo Verde trees.
IX. Unfinished Business.
A. Monthly notices will be sent to five owners who have not paid their special assessment.
B. Kathleen Kingsley, CPA and owner, will complete our audit.
C. We will not invest in a flexible CD. As extra funds become available, we will put them
into a new 7-month CD at renewal time.
D. Redlined copies of the updated CC&Rs will be emailed to owners for their reading and
X. New Business. None.
XI. Future Tuesday meetings: September 10, October 8, November 12 and November 26
(Budget Meeting) at 8:00 a.m. MST.
XII. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Brown to adjourn at 9:08 a.m. MST.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean E. Mills, secretary