November 9, 2021



NOVEMBER 9, 2021

  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:34 am MST by Borgwardt.                                            
  2. Proof of meting notice was acknowledged. Present: Borgwardt, Patton, Brown, and Mills. Guests: Lee Hain, Jeff Coughlin, Chris Kenney from ProWest Roofing, and Jose Montalvo and Luis Aguiler from Sun Desert Technologies.
  3. It was moved by Patton and seconded by Brown to accept the minutes if September 14, 201. Motion passed.
  4. Owner Concerns. None.
  5. It was moved by Mills and seconded by Patton to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion passed. We are in good financial shape.

Chris Kenney from ProWest Roofing presented an update. Phase I roofing project is completed. He is working with our insurer to thoroughly identify all areas of storm damage. When approval comes from the insurance company, Chris expects the job to take two weeks to complete.

  1. Manager’s Report                                                                                            

a. Maniz will obtain three bids for landscaping services.

b. The patio tree in B-5 is the responsibility of the owner

c. Todd will be asked to check the patio slope in 1022 to determine if installation of a drainage hole in the wall would alleviate the drainage problem.

d. An estimate of the cost of installing a pressure regulator in Phase I on a 3” line will be considered before a board vote is taken on this issue as addressed by B-12.

e. The board is hoping that our insurance company will pay for the ceiling damage in 1027 caused by the roof leak.

f. Maniz will ask Todd to check on our sump pumps twice a year instead of once.

g. It is not practical to exchange spaces for the library and exercise room.

VII.      Unfinished Business

a.         Jose Montalvo and Luis Aguiler from Sun Desert Technologies presented an update on the rewiring project for the Village. They are ahead of schedule. All external wiring for 2- and 3-story buildings has been completed. For future use, there are 3 lines for Dish and 4 lines for Direct TV. All lines are tagged and in working order. The outside boxes are installed. The cable from the roofs is inside conduit which can be painted by us later.


Sun Desert Technologies will put notification information on owners’ doors as well as holding an information meeting for them in the clubhouse; date and time to be determined.


Representatives of Sun Desert Technologies and board members will do a walk-around the Village on November11, 2021, at 9:00 am MST.


b.        Landscaping Update. Our concerns were shared in a meeting with foreman, Chris Garcia. Maniz has a folder of work orders for each phase which will be initialed and returned to the office as work is completed.

We are soliciting landscaping bids from BrightView and 2 other companies.

We are requesting a site plan to indicate where 20+ bushes, etc. have been removed over the year so we can categorize by types needed and set a priority and budget. This is a non-insurance project.

It was moved by Mills and seconded by Brown to hire Stealth Landscaping for $995 to remove identified stumps and cover the areas with rock. Motion passed.

We are trying to hire a company with a bobcat to regrade buildings 1, 2 and 6. This needs to be completed before any replanting is done.

We will get a bid on a cluster box with canopy for the mailbox in Phase IV to be considered at our budget planning meeting on November 30, 2021. The shade tree in that area has been cut down.


c.         The board is asking for owners to volunteer to serve on a welcoming committee for new owners.


d.        All owners are invited to attend the monthly Social Committee meetings held in the library on the first Saturday of the month after coffee. The first Saturday coffee will be held on November 13, 2021.

With the increase in cost of rolls and fruit, an increase in the donation is warranted.


e.        We will get legal input into the desirability of asking members to approve of a provision to add board approval to the sale of condos.


f.         Maniz will review a requirement that HOAs complete age verification information every few years and keep that on file in the office.


g.         Owners who want to serve on the Nominating Committee should notify the board. Two positions will be open: Hayward and Borgwardt. The annual meeting will be held at 6:00 pm MST on February 15, 2022.


h.        We will be having two waste pickups each week during the     winter season.


  1. Patton will look at designs and costs for Village maps to be installed at entrances and outside the clubhouse to help visitors locate units.


j.          Due to poor performance, it was moved by Mills and seconded by Patton to change our clubhouse internet/phone service from Cox to Century Link. Motion passed.

  1. New Business
  1. Our cost for heating has increased $150. We need to cover the pools at night. Owners willing to sign up to either open or close the pool should sign up on the sheet at the north pool.
  2. The cracking at identified concrete bridge and stairway is not of concern. There’s probably a higher percentage of rebar in them. For aesthetics, the board will consider filling the cracks.
  3. Finding structural engineers to evaluate some issues in buildings 1 and 2 has been difficult as these firms have been swamped with work.
  1. For the Good of the Order.

We are questioning if over-seeding, watering and mowing the green space is worth the cost.

  1. A Special Board Meeting will be held November 30, 2021, at 8:30 am MST.

Brown will provide a spreadsheet beforehand comparing 2020 and 2021 projections and actual expenses as a basis for our discussion on the 2022 budget.

Our next regular meeting will be held on December 7, 2021, at 8:30 am MST.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 11:44 following a passed motion by Mills and second by Brown.