January 9,2024 Board Meeting



JANUARY 9, 2024


  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. MST by Borgwardt.
  2. Proof of meeting notice was acknowledged. Present: Roger Borgwardt, president, Steve Patton, vice-president, Jean Mills, secretary, Sheryl Brown, treasurer, Jeff Coughlin, director at-large and Cheri Maniz, manager. Guest presenter: Zack Byrd.
  3. It was moved by Brown and seconded by Coughlin to approve the December 12, 2023, minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Buildings.                                                                                                              A.  The roofing project, including new gutters, should be completed by February 1, 2024. Then, French drains will be installed around buildings 2 and 6, the 3-story buildings.

B. Coughlin has volunteers who will document which condos have private shut-off valves. Then, the second and third floor units in all buildings will be assessed for the feasibility of installing these valves in the future.

C. Volunteers are needed to help repaint the clubhouse ceiling.

D. A detailed invoice will be requested for the replacement of one north pool heater, one north spa heater and 3 valve replacements.

V.             It was moved by Patton and seconded by Coughlin to approve the         treasurer’s report. Motion passed. Keeping within the monthly budget requires vigilance as increasing costs are challenging.



VI.     Zack Byrd from Western Exterminator presented a Rodent Program based on their facility inspection of Phase II, building 2, completed December 28, 2023, in response to owner complaint. He also recommended that trees should be trimmed no closer than 3-4 feet from the buildings. It was moved by Patton and seconded by Mills to approve up to $5500.00 for the Western Exterminator proposal. Motion passed.

  1.  Manager’s Report. We have confirmed with the Industrial Commission of Arizona that we carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance.
  2. Landscape.                                                                                                                    A. It was moved by Patton and seconded by Coughlin to approve the following Landscape Committee members: Marilyn Weinrich, chairperson (#31), Dave Guise (#67), Kathleen Kingsley (#63), Greg Thompson (42), Jim Nielsen (#32), Mary Lanphere (#1044), Gloria Howells (#1004), Terry Campbell (#2007), and Pat Mathieu (#B007). Motion passed. Steve Patton (#2034) is the board liaison. B. Efforts continue to map out our irrigation system and repair issues.                                                                                                                 C. Great Western/Green Keepers will continue with their varietal pruning based on their regular schedule. They will also address unwieldly-looking shrubs beginning immediately.
  3. Committee Report. The Social Committee has scheduled the following events: January 26, 2024, Spuds, Splits and Margaritas; February 18, 204, Champagne Bruch with the theme “Exotic Paradise Beach Party.”  
  4. Unfinished Business. The updated CC&Rs and Bylaws will not impose any new requirements on owners. They will delete obsolete information, define terms, update legal requirements and make the documents more reader friendly. A positive vote of 117 members will be required to adopt the documents. Voting will begin in March.
  5. New Business. Annual Meeting materials will be mailed to owners by January 29, 2024. Online voting will be available.
  6. For the Good of the Order.                                                                                 A. Morgan Pavement will split the repaving project into two phases. The earliest they could begin is March 15, 2024.                   B. The electronic cost to the VAW for PayHOA has been raised to $1.95 per transaction. Other options have been explored, but this seems to be the least expensive.
  7. Future 2024 meetings on Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. MST : February 13, March 12, and April 9.
  8. The Annual Meeting will be held February 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. MST.
  9. It was moved by Patton and seconded by Mills to adjourn at 10:23 a.m. MST.


Respectfully submitted,

Jean E. Mills, secretary                                                 jeanmills2623@gmail.com